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[08 Oct 2011|07:15pm]
Return to Paradise

The year is 2012 and the world is starting to crumble. Sam Winchester said yes to Lucifer in Detroit nearly two years ago, Dean Winchester is becoming the man he didn’t ever want to be, and Castiel is barely recognizable. Some of you may ask why Sam said yes, because the brothers had tried so hard to prevent it from ever happening. But Sam had a good reason behind it.

Three years ago, when Sam asked Dean if he could come back. Asked if they could be together again, because he didn't want to be alone. Dean said no. He told him they'd be better off taking separate hemispheres, and he hung up on Sam never to answer that phone again. Sam lost count of how many times he called, left messages, texts, everything. He went out of his way to try and contact Dean, just to hear his voice again, but Dean avoided him like the plague. After all of that disappointment, and abandonment, Sam felt he wasn't considered family anymore just because of what was in his blood. With no where left to turn, Lucifer was able to prey upon him easily, and play into his emotions. He offered him the comfort he sought, along with the support and love Dean had taken away. He offered him redemption, and a chance at revenge. Sam said yes, and he's been with Lucifer ever since.

Camp Chitaqua has recently been set up with Dean as the leader and Cas as the second in command. The survivors that are coming in are broken, scared, and just trying to figure out how to move on with their lives. What the survivors don’t know is that a few unexpected visitors from the past are about to show up…

Outside the camp is infested with Croats. There are several survivors, little camps of them searching for refuge in anyway they can find it. The camp Chitaqua is open to all survivors who can make it, but if you've been bled on by a Croat, it won't be long before you change and you'll be shot.

This is NOT an SPN only based game. Any and all fandoms are welcome and cross over is encouraged.
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