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[04 Oct 2011|01:04am]
Highway to Hell; A Multi-Fandom RPG

Highway to Hell


Highway to Hell RPG

RPG Forum




Character List
It's coming again.

The Winchester brothers had done everything in their power to stop the Apocalypse from happening, but Hell and Heaven aren't going to give up that easy. It was written that the Apocalypse would take place, and two mortal men certainly would not stand in its way.

The signs are starting, from dark skies to black rain. Terrible things have started happening, and it seems that they've only been happening in one place; Chicago, Illinois. Demons and monsters seem to spawn out of thin air, from vampires, to werewolves, to shapeshifters, and it's almost impossible to keep the streets safe. But, of course, impossible is something that Sam and Dean, along with all of their allies, have never understood. There's a first time for everything, though. The dead seem to be rising, people from the past who have been dragged to Hell or released into Purgatory are now walking the streets of Chicago as if nothing had happened, with no memories of their journey into the afterlife. It all needs to stop before Heaven and Hell take over the Earth. The Winchester brothers have already stopped it once, what are the chances that it could happen again?

Highway to Hell is a multi-fandom RPG. We are open to experienced players of all shapes and sizes, with whatever fandom they please. You do not have to watch Supernatural to play this game! The mods have done everything in their power to make it very user friendly, and if there are any questions they can be sent to highwaymods@gmail.com at any time!

HIGHWAY TO HELL IS NOW OPEN. Be sure to check the character list in our links to see if the character you want is available! Right now we are looking for:

Bobby Singer
John Winchester
Professor Moriarty
Inspector Lestrade
Any characters from any fandom!

We hope to hear from you soon!

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Crescendo [04 Oct 2011|02:54am]
Murder, Politics, Revenge...

Amycus Carrow; killed by Order members. Vernon Dursley; killed by Bellatrix Lestrange. Various Aurors killed by Death Eaters; so many the Ministry is outsourcing Aurors from America and France. A killer on the loose, with six victims in mind. And Alecto Carrow is out for revenge and two more will die before the end of this week...

The War is fully on and if you think war is just about who lives and who dies, then what we have coming will truly BLOW your mind!

Crescendo is a B.A.M.F. AU MWPP Era game taking place in 1981 that has been going strong for over three months. We are seeking fellow Bad Asses to join in on the fun. We've had a lot of action, but we're only just beginning, and trust us, there is far more to come, so get in before you miss the real action.
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[04 Oct 2011|09:38am]

this is not your average MWPP game.

No one's worried about defeating You-Know-Who. No one has any idea about horcruxes. No, these kids have a much bigger problem: surviving Hogwarts. We have Gryffindors running around looking like lions, Slytherins plotting pranks involving mice, Hufflepuffs rallying behind their own and a Muggle film night ending with spiked Pumpkin juice.

Hearts will be broken, interhouse wars will be fought and these kids are going to show those professors that this is the real world; their real world.

Join us now and get in on the fun. Hogsmeade trips! Bi-monthly muggle film nights! Lots of plot, lots of interaction and, basically, lots of awesome.

[info]prankstersmods is an AU MWPP roleplaying game set at Hogwarts in 1977, the Marauders' last year. Most wanted characters include: Kingsley Shacklebolt, Amycus Carrow, Molly Prewett, Mary Macdonald, Caradoc Dearborn, Barty Crouch, Jr., Rabastan Lestrange, Rodolphus Lestrange, Lucius Malfoy, Quidditch Players, Male Characters and more!

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Looking for something different? We need players [04 Oct 2011|01:14pm]

ociety for the Preservation of Antiquities

Welcome to the Society for the Preservation of Antiquities. Or the S.P.A. for short. The Society is an organization dedicated to the discovery of rare and potentially supernatural artifacts from all over the world, and the preservation, and housing of said artifacts in the Society Building. To the general public the Society is nothing more than a group of Archeologist and Historians that devote their careers to keeping the past alive. But the employees of the Society headquarters know better.

In truth the Society and its employees track down and recover artifacts that are reputed to have mystical or supernatural powers and store them in the Society mother house to keep them out of the wrong hands. The employees are top experts in the fields of Archeology, History, and Occult studies. In addition the Society Headquarters also employs technicians with knowledge of the latest technology to keep things running smoothly. If you're interested in joining our staff apply today and help us keep the past alive!

Game opens with 10 or more applications


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New Glee Game! [04 Oct 2011|07:26pm]


[We recommend using Firefox for the best viewing experience.]

Following along with Season 3's plot, Losers Like Me is a canon-based Glee game that will focus around character development and the "in-between scenes" of each episode. This makes the game unique because players will have weekly plot inspirations with the curve balls and twists that GLEE loves to throw at it's viewers. We'd love to fill all available "main" character slots before opening, and we're looking for more die-hard fans to join us! Head over to the mod journal for all the information you'll need before applying!

We are still in need of Rachel Berry, Mercedes Jones, Artie Abrams, Brittany Pierce, Lauren Zizes, David Karofsky, Sugar Motta, Coach Beiste, Sue Sylvester, Shelby Corcoran, Warblers, and more!

Game opens 10/10/2011!
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