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[10 Jun 2011|05:08am]
New Updated LIST NEEDING THIS CHARACTERS the ones with * on there names are important )
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x-posted [10 Jun 2011|04:37pm]
Looking for a step mother for this kid over at [info]genome_project. His sister and father are also in game.

A little bit about what we had in mind: Her name is Bethany (unfortunately, she's been played before and been alluded to in game, so her name is not negotiable). She is fairly young, middle to early 30's. The PB we had in mind was Isla Fisher, Confessions of a Shopaholic era. Bethany is very flirty, girly, and maybe a little ditzy. How much or how little can be up to you. She is not Charles Elwood's first, second or even third wife. She has a very struggled relationship with Evan (this character) and a fairly okay one with Emily ([info]tearslikerain). She is likely not going to last as Charles wife for very long, so there can be struggles there as well.

She can either be a scientist, or an outside hire for the project. If you want her to have a power, she has to have given birth to a child. The person who previously played her gave her a young son, but that isn't necessary unless you want her to.

We'd all LOVE to see her in game. Comment here for contact information for any of the characters players.
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The Secret's Out RPG (Harry Potter) [10 Jun 2011|04:54pm]

Premise | Rules | Other Information | Application
Current Characters | Family Information | Wanted Characters

In the year 2026, a group of twelve wizards created mass destruction with magic in front of thousands and killing hundreds in the middle of a London borough. The incident was televised world wide to millions of people, leaving no way to hide magic from the Muggle world any longer. Thus, the International Confederation of Wizards had no choice but to abolish the 1692 International Statue of Wizarding Secrecy. Now four months later, British Minister of Magic Neville Longbottom has taken down the barriers that separate Muggle London from wizarding London and tries to mend bridges between the two worlds.

Wizards and witches that have been forced to live with their abilities in secret are now allowed to do magic in front of whoever they want. Relations between Muggles and the magical community have increased steadily since the act was abolished, but there is an air of distrust and animosity surrounding both societies. Many wizards and witches still harbor prejudices against Muggles. Some continue to hide their abilities from Muggles while others welcome the new freedom with open arms. Some Muggles live in fear of the magic that now surrounds them. Others eagerly try to learn about magic and what it can do for them, believing not all magical people can be bad.

The world is now united, but after hundreds of years in silence, can they live together in peace?


The Secret's Out is a very character and player driven RPG. The main gameplay is reliant on the players coming up with their own ideas for interactions, relationships, and animosities between all the characters - wizard, witch, or Muggle.

Opening June 24th.
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[10 Jun 2011|09:11pm]


Two days ago this was an empty lot, an abandoned field near the edge of town. Then the trucks rolled in, big semis huffing clouds of noxious fumes, and able-bodied men jumped out to set stakes in the ground, run string to mark off areas. The townspeople whispered excitedly as the posters and flyers arrived around town, posted on telephone poles and bulletin boards, stacks of them on the counters in shops.

The Dark Carnival was in town.

The tents aren't the gay red and white stripes of the carnivals of yesteryear; these are black and gray, burgundy and purple, dark jewel tones lit from within by lanterns and candles and blacklights. Torches burn at the entrance and a sign warns all who enter that they are lost. The Ferris Wheel is a hulking beast against the sky; carnies walk among the crowd dressed in leather jackets embroidered like a skeleton's infrastructure, weaving expertly between the marks. Barkers call to passersby, luring them in for the sights and sounds. Canvas banners ripple in the wind, which carries with it the scent of food cooking, the hot smell of machinery and oil.

There are cries of laughter and delighted squeals coming from the funhouse, the freak tent, the thrill rides. People walk out of the psychic's tent looking a little uneasy, laughing it off as hokum even as their skin crawls. And some of those shrieks from the funhouse... well, they sound a little too sincere, don't they?

This is the Dark Carnival.
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