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[27 Feb 2011|12:45am]


A BURNING NEED FOR YOU HERE. This game is established but loves new faces and is easy to get settled into. There's a ton of info on the mod journal, but you can actually start playing without having read anything except the premise. Besides that, there are a ton of awesome characters open. (Seriously, we don't have a Bellatrix Lestrange or Marlene McKinnon yet?)

SO MUCH PLOT. There are some majorly awesome plots in and around Peru coming up. Just a couple include: shenanigans at carnival in Rio, a dark wizard using a basilisk to terrorize/control the local indigenous tribes, mermaids and a fountain of youth, lethifolds and man eating forests, ghosts, amazonian tribes who make invisibility cloaks, and so much more. And that's just South America.

THE BEST CAST EVER. No, seriously. We have the best cast ever. There are tons of fun and unique characters. Players are always helpful, eager to plot, and in chat nightly. Don't believe us? Just read some of the great interaction going on.
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[27 Feb 2011|03:01am]

The Wizarding World is more peaceful than it ever has been since before Lord Voldemort's first rise to power. It has had twenty-five years to heal and rebuild. Instead of preparing for a war that has been looming over their heads for years or hunting for pieces of a damaged soul, the students of Hogwarts have the chance to do what many of their parents missed out on -- being normal.

They're loving and hating every minute of their adolescence like a proper bonds that will last a lifetime. They're busy doing important things like studying for N.E.W.T.s, having parties, playing Quidditch, visiting Hogmeade, using Nosebleed Nougats to get out of class, attending school events, participating in clubs, smuggling in Wild-Fire Whiz-Bangs, and sneaking around the castle in the dead of night.

The year is 2023, Albus Potter's seventh and final year, and things are finally normal... well, as normal as they can be at Hogwarts. Because really, how normal are the enchanted Chocolate Frogs that end up in the girl's dormitory in the middle of the night or the missing bones in Rose's hand from a dueling gone wrong?


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at the gates | [info]gates_mods [27 Feb 2011|10:00am]

You think you know London, its streets and alleys like the creases of your palm. You don't know all its secrets. In its depths are places to buy amulets and tarot readings, a talisman that permits the wearer to manipulate luck hangs alongside bottles of herbs and demon's blood. Books so ancient the pages are tissue-thin jostle against postcards of buses and telephone boxes. There are bars where the clientele don't just find the dim light flattering, but downright necessary, and the smell of brimstone lingers in the nostrils. There are corners and recesses where magic isn't trickery or sleight of hand, but blood and bone and flesh and you might -- you might -- catch sight of feathers pure as snow and light, if you know where to go. If you know how to see. There's a pitched battle being fought for this other London and your London besides -- one in which every human in existence is being counted in a gamble for souls, Heaven and Hell trying to tip the scales and grave-faced Librarians holding them steady. And all the time, people go about their lives with a little pinch of something extra in a London you'll never see.

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We need: bad naughty evil to join our demons and jump in on plot, vampires to join the budding culture beneath the human, psychics and telekinetics, gypsies to join in the magic traveling circus, exorcists and the religious, variety in ages from the younger (kids with abilities!) to the older (the matriarchs and patriarchs of magical families!) and Merchants -- the magical mafia, come join the 'Family'
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[27 Feb 2011|03:21pm]
☾ Moonlight Nocturne
Welcome to Seattle, Washington, where the grass is green all the time, where the air always smells like the ocean, and where the next end of the world is scheduled to take place, T minus: now.

Something is happening in Seattle. People are showing up dead with no explicable cause, people are reporting seeing monsters in the streets late at night, and young men and women all around the city are beginning to change. Ordinary at first, but at a moment of danger they find themselves either drawn to it... or bringing it about.

You are a student, or maybe you're not. You are a businessman, or maybe you're not. You are a mother, a daughter, a son, a husband. You are a father, a sister, a brother. But you are also something else, something not meant for this world, but born into it for a specific cause: to defend it, or to overtake it. Who are you?


Moonlight Nocturne is an AU, PB Sailor Moon game set in present-day Seattle. A new race of soul snatchers has come to earth and is hell-bent on refueling its dying population with star seeds - and Seattle's population is first. The Celestians didn't plan on a fight, but who could have known the earth would have a bunch of guardians dressed in tutus? Actually, it was probably someone's job to find that out. Their bad.

We're an active, welcoming group of players currently in search of more males to join our cast!

FAQ & Drop BoxRulesHolds & Taken PBsApplicationCanon ListEveryone Else

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[27 Feb 2011|06:09pm]
My girl here is looking for her ex boyfriend to join at [info]mitochondrion. The backstory is they dated for about 8 months before they broke up for trust issues. The character was previously played, but I'm not picky on the name (which was Calvin) or the PB (previously William Moseley). We can also work out details if the trust thing doesn't work.

Neither one cheated, but they were very in love and Calvin just couldn't trust Katie. He had the power of precognition (though, he doesn't have to have that power if you bring him in) and he saw things that he couldn't always see the true circumstances of.

Basically, Katie is very torn up about their break up, and is having a hard time coping. I'd love him in game for tension, awkwardness and the possibility of getting back together (if he's up for it...if not, then that's okay too). They were really good friends before dating, so it's extremely hard to transition to nothing.

PM this journal or comment here for more details/if you're interested! It'd make my night!
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