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Oh Marvelous: A Marvel Universe Game [06 Sep 2010|12:00pm]

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ATTENTION!! [06 Sep 2010|12:59pm]
We desperately need more males over at [info]fanglish. If you play males and are looking for a place to go, please apply over at [info]fanglishmods if you're interested in our amazing community. We're all very open, friendly, and down for any sort of SL you've got.

PS - I'm also looking for an SL to be filled for my Olivia Munn PB over there. Anyone play a Dominic Monaghan (he's my first choice, but anyone you have in mind is fine as well!) that would like to play against my Olivia?? Check out the WANTED section of [info]fanglishmods to see what I've posted!
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[ viewing | September 6th, 2010 ]
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