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Exodus, MWPP Era [26 Nov 2009|02:33am]
Hello everyone, we're the mods of [info]the_exodus_rpg a brand new Marauders Era game that has been open since Halloween and we will be closing next November. That's right, we'll only be open for one year. Why you ask? Because we want to solely explore the final year of the war against Voldemort. The game will be dark, bloody, and yes, characters will die in game. Still interested?

The game opened Halloween, 1980, with a battle in which the Potters thrice defied the Dark Lord and were forced to go into hiding. We will close on the day after their deaths. The time in between will be spend unraveling how they got from point A to point B.

We're currently seeking the following roles:

-Frank Longbottom is needed for many reasons. A. His son is a potential Prophecy child, so he needs to be around to keep ickle Neville safe. Alice is already in-game and needs him around to defy the Dark Lord with.
-Peter Pettigrew to round out the Marauders. We have Sirius and Remus in game and Peter will get to switch sides during the game.
-Xenophilius Lovegood, your wife is in game and about to find out that she is pregnant with Luna.
-Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange, Bella needs you two to get into trouble with.
-And in general we need Order members and Death Eaters, along with many others.

And unfortunately, this is the time of year where people get overwhelmed with school work and life, so we have lost a few members and we seek the following recasts:
-James and Lily Potter: They're currently in hiding with Harry, with Dumbledore's help.
-Caradoc Dearborn: Order member, Auror, and father-to-be.
-Esther Avery: Alexander Avery's Muggle sympathetic wife.
-And finally, Lucius Malfoy: Lucius and Narcissa are happily married and raising Draco. Lucius is a Death Eater and has an iffy relationship with his fellow Death Eater and sister-in-law, Bellatrix Lestrange.

Mostly, we need DEATH EATERS, we cannot emphasize this any more. Like we said, we plan to opens things off with a battle, which means both sides of the war need to be evened up. So if you have an evil muse in there, send the over, we guarantee good times for them.

A list of all characters can be found here and a list of available characters can be found here along with the Premise. We hope to see some of you come on by and if you have any questions, feel free to contact the mods here or at exodusmods@live.com.
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Special set of adds: this Friday, Saturday and/or at 5 applications! [26 Nov 2009|05:47pm]
Click to join

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the light of may [26 Nov 2009|06:10pm]


On May 1st, 2009, nation leaders spoke together to reveal a truth to the world: the supernatural world is real. Vampires, werewolves, and more exist. They have been known to the government for a long time, and now they are coming out of the shadows - and they come with a message. They are not a threat. They mean no danger to humans. But there are other things out there that do.

The days that followed changed everything most people believed they knew about the world, about history, and most importantly, about themselves. Celebrities, politicians, the family down the street - they began revealing their true identities, and telling the world what they really were. Missing people that had been turned against their will came out of hiding, and orginizations popped up to reunite them with their families. The revealing of the supernatural was penned in the media as the Light of May, as society made room for the supernatural.

It wasn't easy. Many, human and supernatural alike, were terrified of what this would mean. Some wanted to keep the supernatural abominations down. Leading figures of both Democratic and Republican parties were revealed to be supernaturals themselves, and joined together to fight for civil rights for the supernatural. It is revealed that if the supernatural were wiped out, half of the entire world's population would be gone. Independent parties popped up through-out the country, opposing supernatural rights, and the fight goes on. But those aren't the only battles being fought.

Why did the Light of May happen? If the supernatural has always existed, why are they only making themselves known now? For centuries, those with supernatural blood have been hunted, held, and killed - all for the benefits of their blood to hunters, and vampires who don't want to play by the rules of etiquette. There was a time when the angels, and even the fae, fought to protect them. But the fae have been extinct for hundreds of years, and worse - the angels seem to have disappeared. There is nothing fighting the demons of the world at bay now. The human race is at risk, and they are not alone.


The Light of May is an original supernatural game, taking place in a time when the world is adjusting to the world that has been hidden since the beginning of time. The game is set in Ann Arbor, Michigan, centered around a fictional township called Scarlet Oak. Characters of many races are up for play, as are those trusty humans. The Light of May will be focusing on characters adjustments and the eventual struggle against demons, hunters, and more.

The Light of May is for original characters only. Pre-existing fandom characters will not be allowed. Many wanted characters and storylines!


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[26 Nov 2009|11:24pm]

And Harry realized, with a shock so huge it seemed to root him to the spot, that Malfoy was crying - actually crying - tears streaming down his pale face into the grimy basin. Malfoy gasped, and Harry was confused as Malfoy looked down into his own empty hand as if he'd never seen it before then gulped and, with a great shudder, looked up into the cracked mirror and saw Harry staring at him over his shoulder.

Wished RP is an AU game that diverges from canon midway through Half-Blood Prince and aims to honor canon while allowing players to craft their own end to the story we all spent years following.

Wished is a thread and scene based, Trio-Era game that begins with the Trio's seventh year. Voldemort is still lurking, if weakened, and a final showdown still threatens - but how we get there, and what happens afterward, will look very different.

Currently seeking: Ministry Members, Death Eaters & Sympathizers, Younger 'No Name' Hogwarts Students. Males in general and especially Ravenclaw males! Preference will be given to Muggleborn students, because we need to even some things out. Specific characters being looked for are: Amycus Carrow, Anthony Goldstein, Percy Weasley, Fenrir Greyback, Stephen Cornfoot, Kevin Entwhistle, Lee Jordan, and Parvati Patil.

There are many students being looked for specifically, so please have a look at our Available Characters list and see if there's anyone you would like to consider. We have many name only students, and we do love helping people integrate characters, so if you have a character idea that you want to try out, or a character from a past game that you would like to try again, we have an active cast of both 7th years and 6th years, and they are all looking for their missing classmates. If you'd like to step into some roles that you know will have automatic interaction, you can check out our Requested Storylines as well.

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