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Charing Cross: Post-DH RPG [16 Jun 2009|08:08am]

Diagon Alley – Summer 2003

Then followed that beautiful season... Summer....
Filled was the air with a dreamy and magical light; and the landscape
Lay as if new created in all the freshness of childhood.
~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The Department of Magical Games and Sports is proud to announce that England has made the World Cup Championships! To celebrate such a momentous occasion, local businesses of Diagon Alley have chosen to sponsor an intramural Quidditch League. Contact the Ministry of Magic, Department of Games and Sports with any questions! League games to start June 15th and run right through until game day, August 26th. (The Quidditch World Cup Championships will be held in Wales.)

Charing Cross has a small group of dedicated, talented creative writers who always excited for new friends. We're looking for equally dedicated writers who want to experience a slightly different RPG experience. The mods are friendly and easy-going and encourage player input. We're looking for players who bring something slightly different to the table as well, with fresh, exciting characters. There are plenty of interactive experiences just waiting to happen, so give us a chance and we think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Other Summer Plots: Summer Solstice celebration, Quality Quidditch Supply sponsors a high-risk broom race, and lots more!

[info]charing_cross | [info]cc_writers | [info]cc_readers | [info]charingmods
Game Rules | Available Characters | Application
Current Cast | Important Resources
Contact: charingcrossmods@gmail.com & Credit
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[16 Jun 2009|12:15pm]
The Collector Wants YOU )
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[16 Jun 2009|04:44pm]

Ivy Grove Academy is a fictional Private Boarding School, set in Worcester, Massachusetts, and loosely based off of the real Worcester Academy.

It is an independent coeducational preparatory school spread over 67 acres (270,000 m2) in Worcester, Massachusetts in the United States. The game will be based primarily in the upper school, serving approximately 500 students in grades nine and above. Approximately one-third of students in the upper school participate in the school's five - and seven-day boarding programs. Currently there are approximately 80 international students enrolled from 10 different nations. Ivy Grove Academy is a member of the New England Preparatory School Athletic Council, and its motto is the Greek phrase "Έφικνού τών Καλών," which translates to "Achieve the Honorable."

Founded in 1834 as the Ivy Grove County Manual Labor High School, it did not change its name until 1847. The school moved to its current location on Union Hill in Worcester in 1869. Ivy Grove Academy was all-male from its founding until 1856, and again from 1890 to 1974. It has been coeducational since. - Some direct quotations from the Woercester Academy Wiki page.

Gameplay will take place on the campus of Ivy Grove. Of course, this doesn't mean that students will always be confined to campus. Sports and other various events, trips, and activities will take place in the city of Worcester and surrounding areas. There are some links compiled below to help everyone get a feel of the area as much as we can, without actually visiting the place. Feel free to either reference actual places in Worcester, or make them up in game...within reason, of course.

Make sure to check with the School schedule and bulletin board for holidays, off-campus trips, and school events that will affect everyone. (Schedule coming soon) And, I know there's a lot of information to read over, but please take the time to do so. It was all done with the intention of setting the scene, for us all to have a more detailed and fun environment to RP in!

Welcome to Ivy Grove! We’re in need of students and faculty! There are plenty of SLs to be had, so don’t be shy!

Ivy Grove Mod | Rules | Drop Box | Held and Taken | Applications
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