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[26 Mar 2009|01:19pm]
You're invited!

It's the year 1999, and Kingsley Shacklebolt is the Minister of Magic. Under his administration, the Ministry rounded up the last of the Death Eaters, leaving Azkaban completely overcrowded. Then a mysterious seer comes forward with a controversial solution: the Death Eater Reform Project. The program pairs known Death Eaters and their ilk with upstanding members of society, in the hopes of changing their former ways.

The Seer's visions have matched unlikely pairs, and unsurprisingly the road has not been easy. In fact, people are beginning to rebel against these so-called marriages. Some people think the Minister's gone mad. Some think the seer is corrupt. Few are looking forward to the day their own wedding comes. Because as they all know, once they're married, they're in it for good.

Till death do us part...




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[26 Mar 2009|01:42pm]
History||Held||Rules|| Application

In 1865 a woman named Meda stumbled into the home of Dominque Fournier; she was half out of it rambling about the end of times. Dominque's maid carried her up the stairs and laid her down on the bed, and then went to fetch her master. When he arrived in the room she told him that it was his destiny to unite the five covens that would prevent the end of the all things, and then she was gone; she had died with her eyes wide open in terror. Dominque was the leader of a very powerful coven of witches, and when he heard what she had told him he instantly went to the rest of his coven and told them what she had said. Their decision was to form a team of magical beings to search out the other four covens and begin the preparation. It has been one hundred and forty-four years since then, and all of the covens have been found.

Meanwhile there was one being that was determined to bring about Armageddon; he wanted to destroy the world and start over with him as the supreme ruler. Zhang Shen was the epitome of evil; he was born in 1912 and when he 19 he stole the youth from a fairy princess making him forever young and thus banishing fairies from the world forever. He is also creating an army of vicious demons and other magical beings and he is preparing them for the day when they will all band together and take over the world.

Who will win the final battle? Which side with you stand with?

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BRITANNIA: present-day Arthurian roleplay [26 Mar 2009|06:20pm]
Game: Britannia ([info]britannia_mod)
Fandom: Arthurian Legend
Format: Thread-based
Genre: Reincarnation, Modern Day
Rating: PG-13 and up

Open Characters:
We still need Agravain to complete the set of Orkney knights; Lyonors, sister of Lynette; and Melehan son of Mordred to eventually meet up with his brother. Also open are Tristan, Isolde, Nimue, and a whole slew of others. "Normal" OCs are not currently accepted, but minor characters are welcome!

Open Roles:
Can't decide who your favorite character is now? We have three high-school girls, but none of their male age-mates. Our touristy town has a gift shop, but no accommodations, bars or restaurants. We have a pediatrician but no psychiatrist -- and boy are we gonna need one. ;)
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Searching for Watchmen players to fill out a group PSL. [26 Mar 2009|11:27pm]
Hello, everyone, I'm posting here to see if there might be any fellow Watchmen fans interested in forming a PSL group. At this point, we have the characters of The Comedian (Edward Blake) and Rorschach (Walter Kovacs) filled, but we're looking for the rest of the gang including (but not limited to): Nite Owl II (Dan Dreiberg), Dr. Manhattan (Jon Osterman), Silk Spectre II (Laurie Juspeczyk), and Ozymandias (Adrian Veidt).

At this point, we know the timeline for the game is after the Keene Act was passed but before The Comedian's death.

We'd like you to leave your AIM in the comments in order to get in contact with you, all comments are screened. We expect that the scenes will be AIM/threading friendly, whatever might work for the players in question. We're going to ask for a third-person example of yours but no application is required. All we require is a character journal, an example and a way to get in contact with you easily. We'd just like to talk to you and get to know you, as this will be a group PSL as opposed to an open community. We are open to the idea of expansion if it's called for, but we'd like to start with a close-knit group of players and see what might be accomplished there.

This game will consist of darker themes, so we expect all players to be aware and mature of this. Watchmen is gritty and quite twisted at some points, we would like to keep this tone. Be open-minded. Once the players are assembled, we'll ask for input as far as an overarching plot and any other future decisions fare. Please be ready to brainstorm as well as play, we need your help!

We look forward to responses, so please include in the comment: your AIM name and the character you'd be interested in playing.
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