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[Oct. 19th, 2010|03:46 pm]

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Rachel here, bringing back Harley Quinn. I am incapable of saying no to buckets of crazy. If you're curious, her info is here.

The last Harley was here, she had just met up with the Joker, but I'm sure by now she's gotten herself kicked out on the streets again. Pam, please to be giving Harley a home? She was also being stalked by day, he should catch up to her!

Anyways, who wants to plot with this adorable and insane clown? I'm thinking there should be some Gotham City Sirens in the works. Y/Y?
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Bad Meesha is Bad. D; [Oct. 8th, 2010|01:17 pm]
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Okay! I know I've been waaaay too lackadaisical about my playing as of late, but is anyone in need of a Power Girl? She's lonely. And I suspect bored of hanging out with Ma Hunkel and Maxine's monkey. (How is it that she's the only one on the JSA? D;)

Anyone? Clark, wonderful cousin that he is...? Oracle? Want to send her on any no win missions...? Atlee, sidekick shenanigans...? Bueller? Bueller?
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[Aug. 3rd, 2010|06:57 pm]
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Hididdlyhi, fellow players--I'm Joan. Some of you already know me; for those that don't, I apologize in advance. ;)

I've taken up Guy (freakin') Gardner, the best damn Green Lantern ever. Or so he'll say. Repeatedly. He definitely has no secret identity, because why would he want to hide how awesome he is? And he'll pretty much be that guy (or that Guy...?) who actually says what everyone else is thinking. He's not everybody's cup of tea, which should really make some interactions fun, but he's a loyal friend and teammate once you get past the deliberate attempts at irritation. He's just seeing how much you can take!

He's a member of the Green Lantern Corps off on Oa, but here on Earth he's also a member of the JGA, fighting the good fight and definitely enjoying taking out the trash. He also owns a bar in NYC that could be used as a hangout!

Just a quick heads up: I'm pretty new to DC so I might not get some canon references readily at this point, but I'm always willing to use my good buddy Google.

So...let's see. Haters? Friends? Opportunities to piss off Batman? Hookups? Teammates? People looking for an encounter with an obnoxious dude in the bar? Aaaand...any people interested in playing Bea or Tora?
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