Holiday Wishes' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Holiday Wishes

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Wishes [19 Nov 2008|11:36am]
[ mood | cold ]

1) In the "totally unreasonable" category, I would not say no if someone won the lottery and wanted to build me this house. I have a place to put it and everything.

2) In the "substantially more reasonable" category, my Amazon wishlist is here.

3) Fanart. I can just never have enough art of my favorite characters, and by "favorite" I still mostly mean "Dragon Quest VIII", though, you know, there's also DQIV and DQ Swords. If it's an illustration for my fic, even better. (Most of my fic can be found here, though I have a story or two here and here.

4) Mood themes. I ♥ my DQ8 mood theme, but I admit I got lazy and didn't make individual images for all of the moods, and it would be lovely to have a complete mood theme. Beast Wars and Power Rangers (MMPR through PRiS, though honestly my great loves are the movie and Dragonzord) mood themes would also be made of win and awesome.

5) Layouts for my fiction journals (see above links). They aren't paid, so I can't load them up with Flexible Squares, and I'm too lazy to learn to customize Bloggish and...whatever I settled on for [info]green_ranger. Layouts that will work with free accounts would be awesome. The only must have for me is that the tag list must appear in the sidebar, and I like my icons to show up on posts.

6) Music. I am missing the two most recent Nox Arcana CDs, Grimm Tales and Phantoms of the High Seas.

7) Fic. There is a sad lack of Impalabot fic out there. There is also a sad lack of Dragon Quest fic I didn't write myself or strong-arm people into writing for me. I...I am honestly afraid to go look for Knight Rider fic (old or new) because I have less patience for crappy fic than for crappy television. I like mpreg, even though it has a bad reputation so the good writers never write it and therefore 99.999999% of what exists is utter crap. Tentacle fic is always love, of course. And since I flitter around the edges of fandom, and don't belong to comms or do much searching for fic, I'm sure I'm missed all manner of wonderful things that were posted by people not on my flist, so you could just rec me good stuff, even in fandoms I don't know; fic is usually how I find new fandoms. I like h/c and angst and non-con/dub-con, but I also don't like downer endings, which is why I write in universes where Magic Can Fix It. On the other hand, I also like fluff and crack and weird crossovers, as you may have noticed from my NaNo project.

8) Yarn. Doesn't have to be fancy; let's face it, I knit to play with pritty colors. And most of my knitting is small, simple stuff, suited to my short attention span, so even leftovers are good for me. Kittehs do not care if their blankies are multi-colored, and I don't care if my slippers are patchwork. Old but still useable knitting needles are also love; I inherited most of the ones I have, but more needles=more projects at any given time (see: short attention span). filled by [info]snapesgirl

9) Vids. My slow connection means I almost never seek out vids for myself; I can almost guarantee I won't have seen whatever awesome vid you point me at. Point me, and I will make a list and watch them at work. ^__^

10) The icon described in this post.

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My Wish List [19 Nov 2008|06:53pm]
I've also posted to the Livejournal Community, but am posting here just to help get the ball rolling on this comm, which was set up last year when a bunch of fans moved from LJ to here.    Feel free to post yours in both places too if you are active on both journalling sites!

1. For Bug and I to be able to travel to and go to Azkatraz.

2. Help with a $2600 vet bill =( Our cat Susan ate beading wire which tore up her insides. The vet did an amazing job and she is 100% better now, but the bill was bigger than they estimated and it will take years for us to pay off. If you want to send a little anon donation, my paypal is If you want to donate directly to the vet, email me for the info.
3. Anything off my Amazon wish list, or any other books that seem to be similar to ones I have listed (medieval history, wwii, autism, perl, gender/trans/queer issues etc.) Used books are great!
4. An African Grey Parrot or an Eclectus Parrot(I got the cage and books and everything already)
5. Gifts for the cats
6. Your favourite foods/teas/treats. I love trying new stuff no matter how weird, but please, only vegetarian items (unless it is definitely organic and free-range/uncaged). No need to ask "do you like ___"- Surprise me!
7. Pumpkin Spice Coffee - It's my favourite but it's seasonal and i can't afford to stock up for the year
8. Good health and less stress for all the people I love.
9. Art Supplies (new or open but useable acrylic or oil paints, brushes, stretchers etc)
10. Donations to Help-A-PetOnline at their website, or to Help-A-Pet, P.O. Box 244, Hinsdale, IL 60522. Yes we contacted about our cat, but at the time they were totally broke. When donating, please let them know it was a Holiday request of the Stevenson-Gangi household and their cat Susan and our postal address below (this is just so they can let us know how much $ was raised on our behalf). This money will NOT go to us; we'll find our own way(s) to get Susan's bill covered. It is more important that they have money to help someone whose pet would die without their help.

Al Gangi
POB 965
Westmont IL
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