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Stasia's Wishlist [12 Nov 2007|11:44pm]
Wish List…

Hmmm. Well, I guess that there isn’t too much I really want. I mean, it’s more stuff to dust, break, use…

However, here’s what I’ve come up with. Next, I’ll go and see if I can’t find ten (10) (or more) things to give. Yay Holidays!

1. This one is the big one, really.. A house to live in, one that we can live in for a long time. I know, we really need to get our own money and get out of debt and buy our own home, but … well, it looks like that’s not happening any time soon. I know this one is not going to be filled here, but the point is to list things we really really want, so, yeah. I want a house. I’d settle for one we could ‘house sit’ for a long time, or one we could rent for very little money.

2. Cards or postcards or candy from all around the world. I’ll happily send out return cards and postcards and candy from where I am.

3. One of the spinning wheels from Babe’s Spinning Wheels, or a spinning wheel you’re not using any more. My daughter and I both really want to move up from our drop spindles to something … bigger.

4. I’ve seen this in a couple of lists, and it sounds like fun. A care package – a small box with interesting things that you think would be fun/nice/delightful/useful/engaging/pretty.

5. I’d like a chance to get my children’s stories published; a *real* publisher to look at them and like them enough to give me a contract for them.

6. This one can’t really be *given to me* as it’s not really for me, but… I’d like for all my friends to be healthy and happy and well. This year has been stressful and unhappy for many people about whom I care about, and I’d like that to stop – I wish for their lives to be easier and happier.

7. Interesting scrapbooking/cardmaking supplies. Odd papers you have, but don’t want. Texturizing sheets you don’t use.

8. Music to play on my computer. I like classical, rock, r&b, country and western, … basically most anything except really heavy rap. And I’ll even give that a listen, just to see what I think. CD’s or files, either is fine. If you could find a copy of Einaudi’s The Two Sunsets, I’d be beyond happy.

9. Go find someone who is in need, you know, homeless, hopeless, and help them. If that means donating some small change, do that. If you have time to donate time, please do. What goes around comes around. Let’s all try to make the thing going around a good thing.

10. World Peace. Just stop hating each other, everyone. Sheesh. So we’re all different. That’s supposed to be the NEAT part, not the part that tears us all apart.

ETA: My email address (I can't believe I forgot this) is

Okay. I’ve done mine. Now you!

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