Holiday Wishes' Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Holiday Wishes

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My Wishlist [11 Nov 2007|06:55pm]
[ mood | awake ]

My Wish List

1) Icons made specifically for me. For those who don't know me very well, feel free to check my interests on my profile page for ideas.

2) Fic written for me. Be it original or fanfic, I'd love to read it.

3) Music! Pretty much anything but rap, r&b, and country/folk. It doesn't even have to be on a cd and shipped to me. Uploaded is fine. :D In English or a different language, I love it all.

4) Lost Season One - New or used.

5) Anything from my Amazon Wishlist, but most especially any of the books. :D Again, new or used if fine.

6) The Reader Digital Book - A SonyStyle ebook reader from Sony.

7) Sign up to be a bone marrow donor, and/or donate blood. (Links are to info about each.)

8) A paid or permanent InsaneJournal account. :D I wanna be commited!

9) A commissioned art piece (one that I can actually put up on my wall), of the scene in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows where Neville frees himself from the Sorting Hat and uses Gryffindore's Sword to cut off Nagini's head.

10) Cliche though it is, I want everyone on IJ to have a safe and happy holiday.

If you have any questions about any of the wishes, feel free to contact me.

Also, I think I've followed the rules on linking, but let me know if I haven't and need to fix it. :)

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