"Cheating never even crossed my mind," he said emphatically. That just wasn't Harry. It wasn't him either.
"I don't blame you for being worried. When had anything ever actually been easy and simple. But I just have to keep thinking that this will be different. There is no reason that it has to go wrong, just because other things have. I'm fully committed to making this work, and I'm a stubborn asshole when I want to be."
Draco had definitely noticed how much less Harry was drinking. He especially noticed that Harry drank less when he was around, which worked well since they spent most of the prime drinking hours together. It went both ways though, Draco's alcohol tolerance had gone up. Not much, mind you, but he knew he could get through this one drink without making an idiot of himself. He'd have a few more tonight though, he had no problem with being drunk and silly tonight.
"Normal isn't all its cracked up to be," he said with a soft smile and a shrug. "I think you're doing great. I think we're doing great. Whoever you or I ended up in the other future, we're not them, and I don't think we ever will be. The trick will be making sure you don't get bored."
He took a long drink from his cup, sort of like a promise to make the night entertaining.
"Of course you're in a relationship. Just not a romantic one. A friendship is still a relationship. A family is a relationship. But, you don't have to label it. You guys are just... You guys." He tried to remember who coined Goldren Trio, but couldn't. "Skeeter sounds right, but who knows really."