"I'm a bloody normal height, is all," she argued, although most of the words seemed to be swallowed pretty immediately by the mouth against hers. "You're the -"
But whatever remarkably clever thing she was about to say (and it would have been clever and Ravenclaw-like. Probably.) was cut off by a noise of faint surprise as she found herself suddenly lifted off her feet. Not that she minded; it would stop her getting a crick in her neck, for one thing. And for another... well, it was kind of hot. Roxanne felt herself smile against Theo's lips, her jean-clad legs wrapping around him as his mouth trailed down her neck in a very distracting way. She wasn't sure she even registered they were on the move until she was placed (plonked? Who knew? Or cared?) down on what turned out to be the workbench on the other side of the room.
"Ouch," she muttered, reaching down and pulling a self-smoothing chisel out from under her thigh, discarding it to one side before reaching for him again. Her hands skimmed around, deftly untucking his shirt at the back and sliding beneath the fabric.