It was a bit disconcerting, really. One moment she was dropping back from Theo, and then there was warm, gentle pressure against her lower back and he was close again, all intense eyes and dark hair and...
Oh. Right then.
All of a sudden there were lips against hers and she froze for a minute. Well, maybe not a minute... at least a few seconds at any rate. Honestly, she blamed the astrarium. Sitting there ticking away and looking all brilliant after Merlin knew how long... it was easy to get carried away with the whole situation. But however many seconds later Roxanne's arms were sliding around Theo's neck and she was kissing him back. Then her brain seemed to short circuit and she was deepening the kiss, suddenly back up on her toes again because he was really quite stupidly tall.
And, it turned out, quite a fantastic kisser. Not that she'd ever wondered, or anything.
It was more her general need for oxygen that had her pulling back in the end. She stared at him - not that there was much else she could do when he was that close to her. "Are you- wait," she slid her arms back off his shoulders and fixed him with what she hoped was a serious look. "I'm not totally sure that's good teammate behaviour."