Re: Jamie & Lily
Jamie shrugged he free shoulder, patting a hand over the one of hers tucked in his elbow for a brief moment. "Never can tell. An event like this, makes some people want to cling to their partners a little tighter."
While it wasn't a reaction he was used to, except maybe for his other grandparents and an uncle and aunt or two, Jamie had seen the people at the memorials for the war when he was younger. Not as much now, time and distance had faded the urgency of emotion that had followed in the first decade or so after the war. But, he remembered seeing wives and husbands clinging to each other, wondering why his parents weren't like that.
It was different here, of course. It was the death of one woman most of them didn't know well, the memorial more about closure for them after the castle's fit of pique.
"Are you surviving staying in the tower with the Marauders?" he asked after a moment as he started walking. "I've been told things there have a very 1976 nostalgia vibe."