Sunday, April 8th, 2012

Complications between duty and being family (Harmonia / Before Harmonia's wedding)

Hebe was happy with her duties. She was youth which meant she was always in on the things that were current. She always had the best dresses and formal wear. She was the one the Goddesses modeled themselves after and the ones mortals followed when she did appear down there. But there was more to her than just Youth. There was the cup bearer duties as well. Keeping the Gods young was important and she happily gave them all they needed to remain young. Plus it made her pretty important and she was sure her parents were glad that they had such an important daughter. Way better than War and Wisdom. Without Hebe how would they stay young?

But the last bit of duties felt weird right now. She was also the Patron of young brides and her dearest niece, whom she considered a sister in a way, was to be a bridge herself. What made this really weird.. )
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