Highland Cross
...:.::. .:...

October 2009
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Ame's Insanity [userpic]
Dandelion & Honey Ice Cream

Hello! Hope you are all having a good weekend! Mine is going well so far, so that's good.

I have two doctor appointments again tomorrow, so that'll be fun. It wasn't so bad with the appointments last week as much as it was my rides that were crazy. My ride for the morning was over an hour late, thankfully I was able to see my shrink that morning.

Then, my ride for the afternoon picked me up and got me there on time, but it took FOREVER to get home. Had to wait like an hour and forty minutes at the doctor's office for him, then we had to go across town to pick up a lady from kidney dialysis and take her to the boonies to get her home, and then he was able to take me home. Gah. My appointment ended just before three that afternoon and I got home just after six. I was tired.

So yeah, hoping things go smoother tomorrow. They probably will because the first doctor I'm seeing is a great doc but he has a crap bedside manner. I pray for one of his PAs to take care of me. Surely Fate wouldn't make me wait on rides and deal with his ass in the morning?

My dermatologist appointment went well too, except for the fact they forgot to call my new meds in and then they aren't reachable until tomorrow. So that's kind of annoying. Oh, well. I shall survive!

Other than that, the week was nice. We've had a cold front move in and it's gotten down into the forties at night, which I thought we were over with. This week is going to be fun, Sally has to go in for her yearly training on Thursday so she won't be here. She's frustrated because they sent her a link to do it all online and she did it and passed, and then they said that doesn't count. I don't blame her. She was up late watching videos and answering questions to get that done on her own time and now she's got to watch it all again. Blah.

So yeah, my week is going to be weird. I hope I can get some writing done. What are you guys up to?

I've got an interesting recipe for you today. I'm going to include a link because if you want to forage for your own ingredients, you might need the information. I hope you like it!

Dandelion & Honey Ice Cream )

Current Mood: cheerful cheerful
Ame's Insanity [userpic]
Strawberry Rhubarb Buckle

Good Sunday morning all! I hope you've had a wonderful week!

My week went well. I was able to get in and out of my doctor's appointment, so that was nice. Still haven't heard from the insurance people about my skin graft. Boo! I'm going to ask the doctor tomorrow if it would help or hurt if I put in a call myself. We'll see.

Tomorrow is going to be loads of fun. I have a shrink appointment in the morning, where I'll probably get drug tested, and then my regular wound care doctor in the afternoon. I won't be able to sleep in. Oh, well, I'll get over it. LOL!

Tuesday is going to be weird because Sally has to leave early for a doctor's appointment of her own. So we'll be rushed trying to get my shower in and all the cooking done before she's outta here.

Then Wednesday I have an appointment with the dermatologist. That'll be fun because I have a skin condition he's treating and it's sorta in an intimate place. Nothing a fat girl likes to do more than show a stranger the underside of her belly!

After that, the week should be good. Crossing my fingers!

Beltane was lovely here! I splurged and bought myself some flowers and they make the apartment smell so nice! I'm gonna have to do that again. It's made me happy!

My mood is just so much better with the way I got the shrink to up my antidepressants! I love it! I'm going to tell her tomorrow. It's great to feel good! LOL!

I've got a nice Springy recipe here today! Strawberry Rhubarb Buckle. I love strawberry rhubarb anything so I had to post this! It looks good! Hope you enjoy!

Strawberry Rhubarb Buckle )

Current Mood: cheerful cheerful
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