Fri, Apr. 6th, 2012, 06:48 pm
[info]hideourkidzz: Helpful tether plot end reminder

At midnight tonight those who want to break up their tether pairings can do so!

Since this is Caitlin and I am going out soon and won't be here to discuss it in chat, I would like to break up:

If Hailey and Steph are okay with that. I have no preference on Rae-Kevin either way so it's up to Jerry.

So, yes, look a helpful space to plan de-tetherings.


Fri, Mar. 30th, 2012, 11:24 pm
[info]hideourkidzz: final pairs!

Since tethering starts in about half an hour here is the final pairs list with the randomized ones at the top! If we forgot anyone just comment here.

Ariel and Jessica Dunham
Ben Braeden and Andy Gallagher
Allana Solo-Kent and Loki
Jared Tam and Ash Harvelle-Shurley
Kevin Tam and Rae Harvelle-Shurley
Connor Ainsley and Izzy Solo
James (not even going there lol) and Sammy Winchester
Casey Kent and Alex Halliwell-Thorn
Grace Dunham and Aaron Centrillion
Penny Milligan and Cole Turner
Brandon Matthews and Jeff Gallagher
Darcy Lewis and Patrick Milligan
Tessa Lewis and Parker Milligan

Wed, Mar. 28th, 2012, 09:10 pm
[info]hideourkidzz: Tether Plot

So I think we have conclusive results in all but one area.

We all seem to want to do the tether plot. We all (except one person SORRY ONE PERSON) want a mix of random and planned tethering.

We do, however, have an exact 50/50 split on whether to have the plot go for one week or two weeks. With that in mind may I suggest...
Potential Compromise Plan of Compromising: If, after one week, both players are like "Eh, done with this" then those characters can become untethered. Problem solved?

Also, how do we feel about starting this at 12am when Saturday rolls into being? Too soon? That would just mean whoever did the randomizing would need the names of characters who needed to be randomized by Friday sometime. I do not know if that person would be me since I often go out on Fridays (but may skip this Friday because of familystuff). So a potential volunteer to do that would also be good.

Also leave plotty things about who you want to tether to who riiiiight HERE!

ETA: from a comment to Jen on how tethering works: "I think what happens re: tethering, is that the character becomes unconscious (if they weren't already asleep), and wakes up within the tether range of the person they will be tethered to. They can either wake up right after it happens or sleep till morning. At least that is the way I remember it happening on War? So the pairs just sort of randomly decide who wakes up in whose room. And potentially whose bed (or the floor next to the bed) depending on how you play it hahaa"

Also if you don't want your character tethered then obvs we will not be like NO YOU MUST RAR. Because we are a democracy of comrades or whatever.

ETA 2: Definite pairs )

Tue, Mar. 27th, 2012, 11:26 pm
[info]hideourkidzz: POLL/PLOT TIME

Okay, so there has been discussion of doing a plot, and a tether-plot has been mentioned. For anyone who doesn't know what that is: two characters would wake up connected by an invisible force. They would be unable to be more than 10ft apart for the duration. If they tried to move away, the character trying to leave would start feeling pain that would quickly ramp up to a level they'd be unable to function through until they returned to the 10ft zone.

So there would be space to like...go to the bathroom in private or for one character to sleep on the floor/a cot next to the bed but they pretty much always have to be in the same room/within interacting distance.


How should we decide who is tethered to who?

  • Completely randomly.
  • Completely planned between players.
  • BOTH! Players who have a preference can choose, leftover characters and characters whose players had no preference will be matched together randomly.


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How long should it last?

  • 1 week
  • 2 weeks
  • Another option I will explain in the comments


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