March 12th, 2012

02:32 pm

So, as awesome as Penny's whole coffee experiments have been (and as sure as I am that she's got a future working for Starkbucks experimenting to make new flavors) when do we get to go home?

I'd rather not get beaten with a toaster, y'know what I mean? I'm sure dad's worrying and nobody wants mom to burn shit down on accident worrying either.

08:32 pm

Has anyone seen Clark yet?

If he got home maybe he told people about us or whatever?

Also, I'm bored.

09:24 pm

Any new developments? Have any of our parents showed up yet...?

Yo Mama Jedi, you wanna take Stark duty for a little bit? I've been trying to subtly hover because he's so little but I could use a break.

Hanging in there? Feel like going flying with me? I'll show you what I meant about the woods.

[ooc: added in later]

Why are cute boys stupid?

09:55 pm
[info]notaspecialkid: Filtered to Ash & Rae

Hey, some of them are going to the arcade later and, miracle of miracles, I've been invited. You wanna come with?

11:13 pm

I don't like this place. I want to go home.