Hideaway Cove Out of Character Community's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Hideaway Cove Out of Character Community

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[02 Feb 2019|10:36am]

Yo yo peeps! Digi here with my second character that some of you may know. Kristen Martin. She is a human. She is the delightfully shy/innocent/naieve type. She is fresh new to town, her family moving from Boston. She is Irish-American and does have an Irish accent.

So yeah, hit me with the plotties!
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February Announcements [01 Feb 2019|09:20pm]

This is our first actual monthly announcement!

I hope everyone is beginning to have fun. I know I haven't been around quite as much as I originally intended to be, but I am going to be making a great effort to correct that for this month. I hope to see everyone else do the same.

Now to business.

During this first month, we approved all applications that were submitted as soon as we felt they were done properly. This will not be happening anymore. From now on, we will be approving applications on the 1st and the 15th of each month. This does not mean that you are not allowed to submit applications during the rest of the month, it merely means we will not actually approve anything until those dates. This is for everyone's benefit as it allows you all to know when to expect things and it allows us to not be inundated with messages asking when the approvals will happen.

Second, we will officially be opening the plot box this month. If you have an idea for a plot you would like to run in the game, please go here and follow the guidelines and submit your plot. The plodmod account will be setup before next month, and hopefully we will have someone ready to run. If no one submits anything, we, the mods, will likely run a short plot in the meantime.

Finally, there have been plenty of new characters added to the game, so make sure you run the friend add command. On top of that, please make sure that if you have any students you go here to let everyone know what classes they're taking and what activities they have.

If you have anything you would like to ask about, feel free to use this post to ask us.

You may also use this post to come up with connections for your characters. What are your characters doing this month? Does anyone have a date for Valentine's Day?

Special Dates:

New moon: February 4th
Valentine's Day: February 14th
Full moon dates: February 18th-20th

Special Events:

Feb 13th - The Well - Singles Mixer
Feb 16th - Grub on the Cove (Events room) - No Lonely Heart's Party (Live music, dancing, buffet food, affordable cover, no alcohol served so high schoolers are welcome)


Kara Langly: February 2nd
Mayor Adam: February 7th

And don't forget the new month is up for The Adam Foundation Class options.
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[30 Jan 2019|09:42pm]

Procrastination, thy name is Star!

Some of you may recognize Ashley. She's my cute, shy, geeky teenage vampire. The only thing that I have changed about her is the school/area that she's been sent to after spending a year in hiding with her ex-boyfriend/sire.
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Updates [22 Jan 2019|04:05pm]

Hey everyone! This is your friendly neighborhood mod Seriostar here with a little bit of an update about what we're doing.

So, it looked like people were deciding to use the hidden_cove community for regular network posts rather than their journal. We mods discussed it and decided that since we are still a new game, making a small change shouldn't be too difficult. This means that all of you now have a new asylum invite waiting for you. [info]hiddencove_net

From now on, anytime your character posts onto the forum, this will be where you post them.

If there's any questions, please voice them here :)

We will be making tags as they are needed for all of the communities, so please try to tag them once we get all of them done. This will help people filter through the posts later.

Happy gaming
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The Foundation - Lessons [18 Jan 2019|12:06am]

This is intended to be a list of classes being taught at The Adam Foundation. We'll put a new month thread at the end of every month for the next month. We'll post a list of NPC taught classes, and teachers will post their own. Feel free to reply under the month which classes your kids will be taking for connections.

*Note* We won't require a detailed timeline of when the classes are taught to allow for flexible play (Classes and day only). The exception being the full moons.
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[17 Jan 2019|08:41pm]

Hello Everyone,

Digi here with my first character. Alicia Sutton. 15 years old. Freshman in High school. All Honors and AP classes. She is a witch, very fresh on getting to know her powers. She is a musician and can play guitar, violin, flute and piano. She is a surfer and swimmer. She is openly gay. She is born and raised in Hideaway Cove.

Soooo yeah, hit me up with the plotties people!
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High School Classes [17 Jan 2019|04:06am]

So, to help with connection ideas, we thought it would be a good idea to create a thread where players list the types of classes/extra circulars their high schoolers are in.

Please reply with each of your students. Put their grade in the comment title.

You don't have to create a specific list of classes, a general idea is okay. ie. 'Basic classes', 'Honors classes', 'AP classes', etc. School tends to require the basics.

Also include any extra circulars they'd take (as classes), ie, Drama, Band, Autoshop, etc. Also include any foreign language courses.

Lastly, include any clubs/sports/etc. Like football, Gay Straight Alliance. It's safe to say any club ideas you have the school could have.
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[14 Jan 2019|07:19pm]

Starshine here with the first of three promised ladies for this game.

This is Adri Carter. Her personality is the same, but now she's 25 and working part-time as a waitress at The Well, because being a fashion designer isn't paying the bills just yet. Though, if anyone is interested, her specialty falls under the styles of "casual sexy" and "Bohemian". She lives with Dom and, like him, is an avid partier with many sexual partners.

Next will be Ashley...
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Let's get this thing started [10 Jan 2019|01:09pm]

Hello all! This is Seriostar, you're loving mod, here with the first real OOC post of the game.

So, since we'll be starting up in just a couple of days, I thought it would be a good idea to do a few things just to get us all in the mood.

First thing's first, go ahead and introduce all of your characters here. Make sure to inform everyone how long your character has been in Hideaway Cove, where they will be staying, and where they tend to frequent around town.

Second, let us know if there's something you would like to see within the town, a club or organization, a hangout place for people, store, whatever.

Third, make sure you all look around at the new links so that you can know everything you need to know.

Lastly, it was mentioned about the plots being something that will sort of be a rotating thing based upon submitted plots. This will not begin just yet since the game is just now getting started and many of the players who have expressed interest in the game have yet to finalize their characters. We will be doing monthly updates like we said, so keep an eye on those for more details involving the progress of that.

If I forgot anything please let either Lexi or me know :)
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