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Jun. 15th, 2010


Drop Notice

Due to my muse for the redheaded vigilante being dead and in the ground, I'm going to be dropping Rorshach/Walter Kovacs. If anyone wants to pick him up, I'll even turn over his journal to the interested person, but right now Rorschach has left the building. Apologies to anyone currently in threads with him; I do this only cause I don't want to write crappy tags and replies that I don't have my heart in.

Pending anyone saying otherwise, please remove [info]youreallwhores from your friends' list.

Thank you!

Muns for the Sixth Doctor, Nyanko-sensei, Ichigo & Churuya-san ♥

May. 21st, 2010


Happy birthday, Kitty!

Happy birthday, Kitty!

(and isn't anyone else rping here lately?)

May. 2nd, 2010


Activity is certainly picking up at the Hotel, what a wonderful thing! Soon I shall be looking at incomplete threads past a certain age and poking people to finish them! But for now, I'd happy to announce that Sigi is bringing us a certain New York policeman of headless horseman fame - Ichabod Crane, of course [info]no_faint_heart

And don't forget to add him here!

Keep up the great work!

Your loving mods,
Julie & Sarah


To Players in the Doctors' Meeting Thread

Please post a comment here for each character who's at the meeting. That way, we can tag each other and get email notifs when it's your turn to respond.

We're not going to rp this with a posting order, hence the reason for this.

Note: for any side conversations -- ie if Jo and Gwen have a little aside to say hi, let's make a new comment and title it Jo/Gwen -- so it's separate from the main context which will be Ten's explaining why everyone's there.

So is that clear? Separate comment for Jo/Gwen or Six/Frasier or Nine/Ben/anyone. Any questions?

Apr. 29th, 2010


Two more lambs to the slaughter, er I mean new characters for you to play with, my friends!

Leigh has taken Phoebe Halliwell, Charmed lovely [info]third_sister and I am taking on Jeremy Gilbert, from Vampire Diaries [info]hoodie_lover

Be sure to add them both here!

Happy playing!

Any questions or concerns, our door is always open! And although Sarah is going to Indiana next week for two months, to visit with her sister Katie, she will be able to stay up with us, as she is taking her netbook! Yay!

Your loving mods,
Julie and Sarah

Apr. 17th, 2010


Hello all!

I've decided to jump on the HP bandwagon.... with Hermione! Lol. I haven't played her in a long while, so excuse me if her first few posts are a little awkward. I'll try to get her entered into the hotel as soon as possible - any requests from what point in the series she should be from? I know most (if not all) of the current HP lineup are from book five, so suggestions would be wonderful. I plan on rereading the series again soon (for the billionth time), so I can become one with my Hermione muse again. Her and I have a long history together. Lol.

Anyway, I hope to get her settled in soon. :) I'm probably going to be bringing in some more pups too, because I'm obviously a glutton for punishment. xD

- Leigh


Hooray, hooray, rejoice and welcome our newest member of the Harry Potter Society, the very intelligent and very lovely Miss Hermione Granger! [info]granger She will be played by our very own Leigh! Let's hear a round of applause for Leigh! By the way, Harry is still available and has a loving godfather Sirius and Uncle Remus who would love to see him!

When I get back into the groove once more, now that evil tax season is over, I'll probably take a roll call and see who is still with us! Feel free to tell me before then, of course!

It's great to be back, with any luck I won't be there next tax season, but we'll have to see. One book does not a career make lol

Thanks again to all of you for making Hannibal's Hotel such a fun place!

Your loving mods,
Julie and Sarah

Apr. 16th, 2010



Beware - I will be around a lot more now buahahahahaha!

I will catch up with all open tags, but feel free to prod me - and I am open to plottage with those who are currently unoccupied, which leaves a great deal of room to maneuver.

It's good to be back, the insanity is over! Now, back to the insanity of my characters!


Apr. 7th, 2010


Gather the Doctors

Jules and Sarah! My Doctor muses have an idea that all time lords should gather and discuss either writing a missive to Lucifer or to get a meeting with him. Their ideas is... Read more... )

Mar. 30th, 2010


Anyone feel up to threading with any of my ladies (Buffy, Selina and Jean)?

Anyone want to thread with either Jean or Selina? :)

Mar. 25th, 2010


Hi all,

Julie already knows about this but I wanted you all to know too. I might be a bit slow when answering because my oma (grandmother) is very ill and in the hospital. She has a lung infection, fluid behind her lungs and she had a heart attack in the night from monday on tuesday. She was already sick last week, but this week it got worse... RPing is not very easy at the moment. It was scary to be the one to find her tuesday morning feeling so badly.

If you need any of my characters feel free to prod me through this post or thought and I will try to get there as soon as I can.

I hope to be on during the weekend and hopefully up to a bit more RPing.

If any of you pray, light candles or anything please do that for my oma.


Mar. 20th, 2010


After being down for a few months, I've finally returned - sort of. Lol. Unfortunately, a few of my muses have been destroyed in the process. >.< Prue, Zatanna and Barbara have left the building, which now leaves me with Buffy, Jean and Selina. All of whom are anxious to get their groove back and make with the plotty goodness. xD

I'd like to issue an apology to those who wanted to have or had scenes going with the dropped characters, but I'd rather not hang onto muses that have lost their 'greatness' as it were. I may pick up another pup (or two) in the coming weeks, depending if a new (or old) muse decides to grace me with its presence. Lol.

Anyway, if anyone is interested in getting something started with any of my ladies, give me a poke. :)

- Leigh

Mar. 15th, 2010


Checking in (no pun intended)

Friends, Romans, countrymen - wait, wrong crowd

Friends, guests, rpers - there, that's better.

To make a long story short (I know, too late) - we have returned! Safe and sound (well, as sound as we ever were) - weary but happy, and ready to devote ourselves to the game once more. I shall be back online after work, and will diligently strive to catch up with has fallen by the wayside, but not forgotten. Forgive my absence, and know that you all are always in my thoughts.

It's good to be back! The Convention was awesome. I didn't cosplay this weekend, although Sarah did - but at Archon (which we are only attending, not working) I shall have at least two - Donna Noble from Doctor Who, and Germany, from Axis Powers Hetalia. Cosplaying is like rping, with clothes lol

I'll be back tonight, hope to catch some of you online!

Keep on having fun!
Your loving mods,
Julie and Sarah

P.S. I just found out, my book comes out March 26th - yay!

Feb. 27th, 2010


Hello, hello, hello!

Just wanted to introduce our newest character - the lovely Jeia is taking the lovely Neville Longbottom! [info]brave_neville! Please don't forget to add him here!

Also, my apologies for running behind as usual, please know that I have not forgotten you, but don't be afraid to remind me, poke me, or yell at me (in a kindly way, of course) that I owe you a reply or two or three. Been running ragged between getting my book ready to publish, and writing, and reviewing and editing for ComicsOnline, but I am still here.

Carry on, you're doing splendidly!


Feb. 21st, 2010


Friends! Romans! Countrymen! Lend me your ears!!

rambling and more rambling )

Feb. 2nd, 2010



So sorry all! Things in my life got severely out of control. I totaled my car, my computer still isn't fixed, and Texas had an insane freeze. I work at a company that cleans up after water damages, so we've been insanely busy. My, oh my! Luckily, things are slowing down and my computer should be fixed very soon, so I am back from the dead... mostly. It'll be slow, but I'll be here!

Much love!

- Jeia

Jan. 14th, 2010


Hannibal's Hotel, meet the queen of the BAU at least when it comes to computers and hacking!

AKA its Juliet and since Penelope won my last mini poll here she is. She comes from Criminal Minds (I'll post a wiki link if needed) and is yanked post events of last night's episode. But she's sweet, a bit kooky and is basically the sunshine of the BAU. Just don't let her know there's no way to link with the team (but she would be happy to see some of them around the hotel *hint hint*).

I know I had something sort of planned with Abby but she's open to plotting along with the rest of my crew (Violet, Gwen and Luna).


While I set things up I just need to ask a fast canon question:

For Chronicles of Narnia have most people seen the 2 movies? I would be bringing in Susan post the movie for Prince Caspian.

Jan. 13th, 2010


Oh hai thar~. My icons are dark. :( Anyway, I'm bringing in two (three, actually) characters, most likely tomorrow, perhaps today if I can through something up there soon enough.

The first two are simply called 3 and 4, from the movie 9. These guys are always ready to learn, they're very fast, work as one entity. Aaaand quite small (about 18.5 inches or cm, the website's thing isn't too clear. :/), and adorable and have photographic memory, and, furthermore, their eyes use said images (which the flashy thing in their eyes is for, as depicted in the icon, for taking 'pictures', and also communicating with others and one another) and project them. Also, they may have some of the Scientist's memories.

The twins, since they're pretty much identical except in one or two personality quirks. 3 seems to be more outgoing than 4, and four seems to be more cautious than 3, which, really isn't saying much. :3 Much more information is available in their journal, which is the one I'm posting in. They're coming in not long after the movie ends. :) They're mute, but probably can project words if needed, I imagine. If this is a problem, I think there was an earlier version of them being able to talk by hooking a cable between them, since they shared two of the same speakers and such (it was scrapped, but I'll throw it up here anyway).

And Gabriel "Sylar" Gray, from Heroes won the last round, I reckon, his journal is [info]tunafishbrains. I've decided to take him from the end of the first season, but before the second season. I'll have to freshen up a bit. XD; He's a killer. If your charas have special powers/abilities, they'll probably become a target of stalking and/or fighting so he can poke around their brains and find out why they're special. :| Cause he's the only one that can be special, dangit. u_u He still has his powers, though. Just a head's up. :(

Sylar can act like a perfect gentleman for a little while, if the situation demands it. Otherwise, he's not quite the nice guy at all. :( And he'll be pissed since Peter and Hiro almost killed him. D;

Plots? Questions? What have you? Fire away. 8D

Jan. 9th, 2010


Bill has offered Rogue to teach her Quidditch in their thread. I know there are a lot of characters here from the Potter-verse who might like to play and help Bill teach Rogue, but maybe there are characters from other fandoms who can fly too, like Rogue, who would love to play/learn - the more the merrier... right? RIGHT!

Of course a lot of non-magical or non-flying folk would love to watch, cheer and be amazed. ;) After talking to Julie *waves at the mod* I thought it might be good to make a plottage post about it first... See who out there would be interested in having a Quidditch party post and which of your characters might be interested or not interested in the whole Quidditch thing.

I'll lead by example... ;)
Bill - Interested of course... he loves the game and he wants to cheer up Rogue... *pets her good lil' wizard*
Lorne - Will come to watch, he loves a good show after all but he won't join in. Flying is not a power he has.
Abby - Will come to watch too, she would enjoy it but being a 'muggle' she does not fly.
Abigail - Would love to figure out how it is possible, but that won't stop her from enjoying the show. Again... Muggle! :)
Narcissa - She won't play but if her baby boy or husband decide to play she will of course be there to watch and support the Malfoys.
Remus - He won't play either, but he will be there enjoying a good game. Cheering for the people he loves... likes... everybody probably. He is a kindhearted wizard of course.
Will - After the things he saw and living while being dead nothing much amazes him... except people flying probably. He would not be able to stop himself, he will have to see for himself.
Tonks - She will play... she might not be the best player, she is a great flyer and loves the game. Nobody would be able to stop her... except gravity... maybe... ;)

Now... let the plotting begin... ;)


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