July 11th, 2011

[info]herbappeal in [info]hgwrts_carefree

Owl to: Mum and Dad

Dear mum and dad,

I arrived at Hogwarts a few days ago and classes have officially begun. Everything is going just fine, I'm enjoying all of them greatly and I'm very happy to be back.

The girl I told you about is fine, we're both really busy with school so we haven't been able to hang out much outside of class, but things are just fine, although I don't think you realize that we're not exactly "official" she's not my girlfriend, we just went out a few times. But I do really like her, so we'll see.

Aunt Hermione is great, she's happy to have us older kids gone for the term. She says she has better things to do than to entertain us all the time. I think you guys should pick a time to come visit her. Maybe sometime sooner than Christmas break? Maybe you could come up in a few weeks when I get a pass to Hogsmade?

Anyway, I'm off to study. I love you both very much.
