May 23rd, 2011

[info]herbappeal in [info]hgwrts_carefree

Owl To James


I think I'm going mad. You remember Juniper Bloom? Well the other day I suggested we meet for tea while we were both in Diagon Alley, you know, just to be nice. She's a classmate and a house mate after all and I didn't want to spend the whole day with Aunt Hermione. You know how crazy she is.

Anyway we met for tea and it was--different. I can't explain it. It was like I just realized that she was a girl or something. The summer's been good to her, she looks fantastic and I think I'm falling for her.

You've always been the suave womanizer, so tell me what to do, mate. I'm at the end of my rope and I really want her to like me.


PS Isn't Darwin fantastic?