Feb. 22nd, 2008


service announcement concerning DISTANCE

To my loyal wonderful readers:

There's always a risk when a writer does what I've been doing, posting a story just as fast as I make it up. I've never been the kind of writer who outlines or plans; I often don't know what's going to happen when I sit down to write the next part.
It's a high-wire act. For most of the time with Distance I was on an almost magical roll, the story just poured forth, I was on fire.

Then that changed.

I'm sure most of you have noticed that the story has lost some of its focus and momentum. I thought for a while that I could write through this, but now I think I'm going to take a step back, and will probably remove a big chunk of the recent parts, and do a major rewrite/revision. I can't say what parts will be yanked yet, because I want to do a thorough reread and have a good think about it. Nor can I say how quickly I'll make the changes, or much of anything, except that I hope the finished product will be better as a result.

I understand if this is annoying or worse than annoying, but of course we all know that fanfic is a labor of love, and a diversion, and for me writing it it's also an experience and an experiment--and in this case I reserve the option to revise the experience and create a different experience.

I'm not sure what I'll do with the parts that are posted here that I'm going to remove. I can't make those entries private so I may have to delete them and alas delete the comments too. Or I may figure out a way to map the links around them while making it clear they're no longer a part of the fic.

This is kind of a downer for me, but again, that's what can happen when you write out in public.


Fic: DISTANCE (pt 64 of ?) - redacted

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

Don't leave me here. )

Feb. 21st, 2008


Fic: DISTANCE (pt 63 of ?) - redacted

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

No slayer is ever defenseless. )

Feb. 19th, 2008


Fic: DISTANCE (pt 62 of ?) - redacted

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

Come here, you silly little bitch. Could thrash you for a little fool. )

Feb. 18th, 2008


Fic: DISTANCE (pt 61 of ?) - redacted

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

Who ever thought you having a wet dream on my back would be so romantic? )

Feb. 17th, 2008


Fic: DISTANCE (pt 60 of ?) - redacted

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

I haven't had a happy drunk in I don't know when. Kiss me. )

Feb. 15th, 2008


An experiment - redacted

OK, so I'm probably not going to be able to post part 60 today, because I haven't yet written part 60.

Hence, an experiment. I thought I'd ask here for people to respond if they'd like, by commenting on anything about the story that they're wondering about, that feels like a loose end or a plot/character hole, that they'd like to see happen or see the characters discuss before it wraps up. I ask this not because I'm fishing for more praise but because right now it feels like I have zero perspective and could use someone else's . And often I get ideas from the comments, hints and reminders of things I wasn't considering that I then consider.

So, no promises that anything you ask about will actually happen, but please speak up and know your comment, on WHATEVER, may be a valuable spur to my creative process ....


Feb. 14th, 2008


Fic: DISTANCE (pt 59 of ?) - redacted

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

What d'you want, you greedy little minx? )

Feb. 13th, 2008


Fic: DISTANCE (pt 58 of ?) - redacted

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

Note to my readers: I did that annoying but sometimes necessary thing of deciding that what I'd posted in the last chapter wasn't quite right. So I've altered the ending of part 57; some of what was there is now instead in part 58, and then there are new scenes. Hope this doesn't confuse anybody. Click the previously link to get caught up.

Spike? What just happened? )

Feb. 12th, 2008


FIc: DISTANCE (pt 57 of ?) - redacted

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

Author's note: I changed the amount of time Spike spent in London before going to Dawn in St Andrew's from a couple of week to more like a couple of months. I'm not revising what's posted here but the change will be reflected in the final archive of this fic at Bugger This.

I never wanted to leave you. You know that, yeah? )

Feb. 11th, 2008


Fic: DISTANCE (pt 56 of ?) - redacted

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

You're always too easy on me. )

Feb. 10th, 2008


A note about process for those who are interested

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

This part was really REALLY hard to write. Read more .... )


Fic: DISTANCE (pt 55 of ?) - redacted

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

Tell me the truth. What's the matter, Buffy? )

Feb. 8th, 2008


Fic: DISTANCE (pt 54 of ?) - redacted

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

You never have to wait to come home. )


Fic: DISTANCE (pt 53 of ?) - redacted

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

Dawnie, that really isn't funny. )

Feb. 7th, 2008


Fic: DISTANCE (pt 52 of ?)- redacted

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

Dunno how you drink that swill, an' at three quid a go. )

Feb. 6th, 2008


Fic: DISTANCE (pt 51 of ?) - redacted

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

Gods fall for the darndest guys. )

Feb. 5th, 2008


Fic: DISTANCE (pt 50 of ?) - redacted

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

Spike, are you hearing this? It wasn't your fault. )

Feb. 4th, 2008


Fic: DISTANCE (pt 49 of ?) - redacted

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

No one came for Angel. Not in time. )

Feb. 2nd, 2008


Fic: DISTANCE (pt 48 of ?) - redacted

This section of the fic has been redacted. I've left it here as an out-take.

If you're not going to work, I'm not going to feed you! )