April 30th, 2008

[info]herself_nyc in [info]herself_nyc_fic

New fic: WAITING AROUND (pt 1 of ?)

Beginning of a new story about Spike and Buffy.

The action of this story picks up immediately from the conclusion of Some Scenes From The Later Life of Two Heroes.</b> If you haven't read that one, it was a sequel to a longer pair of Spike/Xander stories, which can be read here. The low-down: since her resurrection, Buffy has never aged, and has grown increasingly distant from her surviving adult children and their families. After a long lifetime partnered with Xander, Spike has buried him and is at a loose end. He and Buffy have a series of encounters, and after averting an apocalypse together, return to London for what might be the beginning of an affair. But the morning after, Buffy's not so sure ....

Look, we can take a suite at the Dorchester right now if you prefer it, Slayer. Don't expect you to rough it more'n you like. )