February 26th, 2008

[info]herself_nyc in [info]herself_nyc_fic

THE PROPER SLAYER (pt 20 of ?)

NOTE: I have redacted the last two updates on this fic. I wasn't happy with my characterizations. The parts are still up, but struck-through and no longer linked directly. The story instead continues from here. Thanks for your patience with my writerly freak-outs! I hope this will mark the resumption of normal service. :)

Since Distance has been sent to its room to think about its sins, The Proper Slayer has come down and is tugging at my skirts instead.

This fic was last updated in early November, so herewith, a brief recap of the story so far:

Spoilers for LET'S GET LOST and THE PROPER SLAYER behind the cut .... )


Mrs Summers, there's a vampire here! )