Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

Who: Charlie, Hiro & Ando
When: Sun Apr 22. 8AM (4pm eastern)
Where: Tokyo
What: Flight arrives in Tokyo finally.
Rating: pg
NOTES: italics are spoken in japanese

This was the second time Charlie had stepped into Tokyo International Airport beside Hiro. )
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Saturday, February 14th, 2009

Who: Charlie & Hiro
Where: Matt/Daphne's apartment
When: Saturday April 14th, 2007; 8pm
Rating: PG13 (for excessive cuteness?)

Charlie was completely overwhelmed. But she didn't even have time to adjust to it all. )
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Monday, February 9th, 2009

Who: Charlie & Future!Peter
Where: Burnt Toast Diner
When: TIME TRAVEL! October 9th, 2006. 2pm
Rating: PG13?

It wasn't Sylar who grabbed Charlie, made her heart drop into her stomach and her eyes widen with the certainty that she was going to die right this moment. )
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