Who: Lindsey McDonald and OPEN Where: Outside apartments When: Sunday afternoon Warnings: Self harm on an epic scale, probably language Status: Open
Lindsey had become aware of the messages his evil hand had been sending. The thing about it was, he and Angel had killed Bradley Scott, thus severing the relationship the hand had with its former owner. For nearly ten years, Lindsey had lived with his transplanted hand without incident, but in recent weeks, he'd had little or no control over the hand at the end of his right arm.
He knew his situation was unique, no one else would have any insight. No one else had ever received a hand transplant before. He didn't even bother to post on the network, no one could help him anyway. No one would be willing to help him do what he knew he had to do.
He carried the knife outside. He didn't want the blood all over his apartment. He didn't think his room mate would appreciate that either. He found a somewhat secluded spot, away from the majority of the foot traffic. He tied his arm down, tied it off with a tourniquet, and he raised the knife, intent on removing the apparently sentient limb from his body.
He knew of no other option, except killing himself. It might come to that, but he had to try this first. He grunted and grit his teeth, determined to keep quiet and not draw attention to himself.