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Helga's Hill: A Harry Potter Murder Mystery OOC

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[06 Jul 2014|01:55pm]
I'm going to do mine seperately for my own sanity.

This is Amelia Higgs, little sister to Terence and best friend to Portia. She is the Vice President of Marketing at Higgs Industries, which is really just a fancy way of saying she helps her parents run their business empire. Many of you will remember her from Goblet, I think. She's quite cranky and easily irritated. Plus, she doesn't pull many punches.

Amy is a terrible sleeper because of her Sight which manifests mostly as prophetic dreams. No, she doesn't want to talk about that. Annnd, she's currently dating Roger Davies again after dumping him during her 5th year (and having him promptly go panting after Fleur). She's going to buy Stephen and Mandy's old building for dirt cheap and renovate it to suit her standards.

You can read a bit more about her on her profile. Friends? Enemies? People she finds mostly or barely tolerable?
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[06 Jul 2014|05:00pm]
Yes, it's true. Christian Cavanaugh is coming to town! Well, after killing off Blaise and having crazypants Stephen incarcerated, it seemed only right to find a replacement.

Christian, or Chris to his friends, is a former WADA professor from Northern Ireland who is currently playing Raul opposite Stella and Portia in The Curl & the Flame.

His full profile is here and if you're interested in his professional career, you'll want to check this out.

Plots, etc.?
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[06 Jul 2014|09:42pm]
So, Ginny is... Ginny. I like to think my version is pretty true to the canon version (except that mine does not become Harry Potter's brood mare because, you know, not all high school relationships last forever).

She's feisty and brave and a pain in the ass, but she's also thoughtful and kind a good deal of the time. She feels things very deeply and she's not very easy to boss around or ignore. She stands up for herself, but she stands up for other people even more often. She believes in good and evil, black and white, light and dark, and she always tries to stay on the right side of those lines. She triumphs mightily or fucks up spectacularly and often feels like she's never somewhere in between (even though she is, because we all are). She loves her family and her friends (including Harry) and would do anything in her power to keep them safe and happy. She once fell in love with a boy named Tom Riddle because he seemed lonely and beautiful and knew just what to say. And she loved a boy named Harry at first because he was supposed to be a hero but later because he so obviously needed someone to save him.

She's just Ginny. Somewhere I have a twenty page app where I analyzed and examined every action she made in canon and every action in my personal headcanon since then, but I'll spare you.

She plays Reserve Chaser for Holyhead and she's going to come to town soon to stay. Plot with me.

tl;dr Becca has a lot of feelings about Ginny, let's plot.
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