Helga's Hill: A Harry Potter Murder Mystery OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Helga's Hill: A Harry Potter Murder Mystery OOC

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[26 Oct 2013|09:40am]
Regarding Jennie's wardrobe malfunction tonight at the TCTF premiere...

At the after party, she and Ben manage to corner Christian Cavanaugh, engaging in a "flirt-off" to see which gender's advances he is more responsive to. Jennie is pretty sloshed so at a certain point she just severs her dress strap and lets a boob pop out. I imagine Christian's reaction is gentlemanly and doesn't give much away, but your character is welcome to spot her and join Ben in staring shamelessly. Let's say a helpful photographer captures the moment which probably draws plenty of attention.

If your characters want any interactions with Jennie or her parents at the premiere just holler! Harold and Cynthia are very nice to fans and I'm sure posing with all the actors etc. Oh and at the after party they find a closet to disappear in for a bit and come out with classic sex hair, flushed faces, etc.
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