Helga's Hill: A Harry Potter Murder Mystery OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Helga's Hill: A Harry Potter Murder Mystery OOC

have a nice day
don't get killed
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[04 Oct 2013|07:00am]
october plot post! )
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[04 Oct 2013|05:14pm]
Hey. Hey guys. I'm going to see Josie tomorrow. And Natasha the day after that. And you're not.


(Edit: Also, I know I owe like a billion comments on new entries and old ones and I promise I will try to get to them tomorrow afternoon/Sunday morning... before I go back to having no internet for several days.)
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[04 Oct 2013|06:01pm]
I am the WORST have shirtless Liam Hemsworth to make up for it.

My computer broke a week ago Monday, and then it was gone for a week, and then I was crazy busy, and now I am back for real I promise!!!
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