Helga's Hill: A Harry Potter Murder Mystery OOC's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Helga's Hill: A Harry Potter Murder Mystery OOC

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Dance-A-Thon Results [30 Jun 2013|12:06am]
It occurs to me that we haven't picked a winner! So, if you've got a couple who you think might actually manage a victory (obviously some of them really won't fall into that category), comment here and then I will pull from a hat!

(But which hat?)
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[30 Jun 2013|01:27pm]
july plot post! )
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[30 Jun 2013|02:11pm]
Annnnnd (according to the magic of a hat) the winners of the Helga's Hill Dance-A-Thon are....


Stephen and Lavender will come in second, with Katie and Wendy placing a respectable third. Thanks to everyone else for participating!
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5, 6, 7, 8 [30 Jun 2013|07:50pm]
Alright, my boot scootin' babies, there's a thread up for the Dance-A-Thon. So grab your dance floor dates and get in line because we're going to be foot kickin' and finger clickin' until the early hours.

It's time to begin - now count it in...
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