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Helga's Hill: A Harry Potter Murder Mystery OOC

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Meet Humphrey [25 Apr 2013|11:25pm]
Hi guys. I totally promise this is my last character. I only did it because I wanted to write a separate intro post.

Anyway, this is Humphrey! His bio here.

Some extra details:

- He's Muggleborn, son of a marquess, and his parents pretty much disowned him after they found out about the magic. So he's basically orphaned. He has one slightly younger brother and one little sister, whose existence he doesn't even know about.

- He was sorted Slytherin, class of 97. Yeah, he had a terrible time. He started off hurt and confused and then basically become anti-social and insular as the only way to cope. He probably tried to hang out with 'Claws, if anyone. On the plus side, when you've got no friends you've got plenty of time to study, so he's got great NEWTs.

- After Humphrey left school, he set up in Diagon, intending to get a job at the Ministry. Stupidly, he went to the Muggle-Born Registration Commission willingly because he thought if he blabbed about his parents trying to steal magic they’d be punished hard. Unluckily for him the Commission only punished him, taking his wand and making him homeless. Well, begging wasn’t for him, so that’s when the criminality started. He could live on it for a while, until he got cocky, took someone’s wand, and had to make a hasty getaway, pursued by Snatchers. He was eventually caught and thrown into Azkaban about a month before the War ended. Three years later he's still seething about his wartime experience. So he's very, very bitter towards Purebloods, Muggles, and Muggleborns who didn't suffer as he did. Halfbloods...you get a pass.

- After the War, he tried to rebuild his life but became addicted to illicit substances and couldn't kick the criminal habit. Apart from the monetary rewards, it gave him a thrill. He's essentially a con artist/forger, but he also does pickpocketing as an optional extra. Officially he works at Twice Upon A Time, the antique shop, but the wages are close to nothing and he only agreed because it lets him improve his forgeries. How many people a day want to buy antiques?

- But he's not some criminal mastermind. Sometimes he gets cocky and stupid. He's been busted a couple of times and served time. Wizards in law enforcement would know this, everyone else would probably be ignorant because he doesn't commit any crime in HH. (Don't shit where you eat, man.)

- He has good intentions. Sometimes it hits him how messed up his life is and how he's got no future this way, but change is difficult and crime is easy. He pledges to be a better person tomorrow but then tomorrow is today and the pledge turns into the day after, and on it goes.

That's it! Looking forward to unleashing him on all of you. :D
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