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March 23rd, 2008 11:58 am
Role Call! [

So, I figure it's time for a role call. This is *not* an activity check. This is just a time to stand up and be counted. Let us know you're still here. All you have to do is reply to this post with your player name in the subject line and a list of your pups in the body.

ETA: Anyone who has not replied by Monday, March 31, 2008 will be removed from the game

Also, I've set the communities so you can add entry tags to your posts. I'll go back and tag the existing posts since tags were not required previously. From now on, please add entry tags to your posts and any threads you play in.

Posts in the log comm should also use headers, similar to:

Who: (List who is in the log)
What: (What's happening in the log, can be vague or specific!)
When: (General time frame, let us know if it's backdated)
Where: (Where does the scene take place)
Warnings: (If a log is not work safe, it MUST be marked as such! Use common sense here)

Comments? Questions? Hit me here.
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March 19th, 2008 9:02 pm

This isn’t really a hiatus, but I just wanted to give a heads up that I’m not going to be around much until Sunday. My best friend is getting married on Saturday and I am the Maid of Honor, so I’m going to be very busy until after the wedding/reception. I’ll tag and post when I can but it’ll be sporadic at best. But I’ll be back around in full swing on Sunday.

See you guys later,
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March 19th, 2008 12:13 am

Amber here with Desarae. She's Baie's daughter. She's fun stuff. She's here to learn that she's not worthless, pretty much so...yeh.
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March 18th, 2008 11:59 pm

So I bring another incarnation of Karen Davis. This one, is my Sync!Kar. I haven't withdrawn her from that comm in case it survives but it's. . .looking dead so at Coll's suggestion, I brought her here, just in case.

Karen's a HS Bio teacher and a nurse. She had a love affair with student Greg House and she's now expecting a baby (despite doctors telling her she never could).

So yeah. Plotting is of course welcome.
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March 16th, 2008 3:03 pm

I'm taking an indefinite hiatus from playing.

This affects [info]notthecollie

Bye for now.

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March 15th, 2008 1:53 pm
St. Patty's Day Plot Idea? [

I just had a thought-

Considering most of the pups in this game are of a legal age to drink, or at least do it anyway XD....

Perhaps for St. Patrick's Day, Delirium would spike all the alcohol in the town with... something? What the something is, I'm up for discussion about, but it would give us all an excuse to have some sort of game-wide, 'the town is evil and controlling us' sort of plot, to start out.

Things the drink could cause:
-telepathy (able to read the minds of people in close proximity)
-mood alteration (moreso than actual alcohol :-P Severe highs-and/or-lows, agression issues, lust issues. Like regular drunkenness on speed)
-All-out Delirium (seeing things, speech pattern disturbance, general craziness)
-Forced truth-telling/the inability to lie

Those are just ideas. Would anyone be interested, at all?
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March 9th, 2008 6:11 pm

Erm, okay!

This is a bit belated, but I'll be bringing you Trindle Thropp ... who is a loosely-canon-based OC from Son of a Witch. She's green, she's related to The Wicked Witch of the West ... and she's relatively sweet, if a little quiet. I'll get around to introducing her ... eventually.
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March 9th, 2008 5:53 pm

So, yeah. Shar here with Mimi Marquez a la RENT. I'm making her icons now, I know this one's misleading, but yes.

Mimi IS HIV+ in the game, and righ now I'm toying with her "release" from the little world to be her death, once she learns her lesson. Toying with. I'm not 100% positive, but yeah. She has to learn to kick the drugs and realize that it's ok to fall in love and not just mess around.

Mimi is a "dancer", if you want to be polite. She strips and has absolutely no shame in it. Some of her everyday clothes reflect that. Love interest are welcome, just remember not to let your boys/girls forget protection, and she'll be quick to remind.

And if anyone were to bring in Roger? Roger/Mimi and/or just plain Roger icons would come your way along with much love!

♥ Ciao!
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March 8th, 2008 8:18 pm

Howdy all! This is Sam, again, and I am bringing in Pulse, from the Marvel Universe, thief, mutant, gentleman, and sneaky s.o.b., all around.
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March 7th, 2008 3:43 pm

Howdy all!

This is Sam with my newest pup, Edwin Davinci. He is from a now defunct webcomic called Horrorworld, and he has spetn the last few years in a world full of all the monsters and settings from horror movies. Consider him your battle weary, PTSD-ing, horror movie afficionado, who really, really, has issues with trust and reality being real.
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March 2nd, 2008 10:15 pm

Hey guys! PLEASE to be updating the wiki! It's very out of date, players arent on there nor are some pups. I tried to full in whoever I could remember but please go take a look at it!! I have to dig up the link because Shar is a blone mod, but it will be on this post in two minutes if you dont see it yet.

Wiki is HERE!!!.
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March 2nd, 2008 10:09 pm

Just a little FYI. Several pups have been moved out of an existing game, and relocated here to H&M. These pups will pick up their normal lives, rather than arriving on the train because there are so many of them, Crowley can't take the pressure of greeting them all at once. Hah. So, if you notice new characters on the board, that weren't ever properly introduced, assume they have been in the village a while. A lot of them are Original Characters. Some are fandom. It's all good.

Also, the subject of in game pregnancie just came up in IM. Pergnancies in H&M are a bit advanced, Three month minimum for a full term baby, please. Less than three months is premature. Pregnancies require agreement from BOTH muns involved. I should say, every mun involved because there could be more than the standard mother and father pups. haha.
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February 27th, 2008 9:01 pm

So yeah, I have a lot of kids here that I really havent found muse for, so I'm gonna list mine and if you want them/something let me know, otherwise I'll drop them.

Starred really aren't in dange of being dropped, they're just there for possible plottage purposes.

Laurie Strode
Luke Blade
Jack Twist *
Todd Anderson
Fr. Damian Karras

Edit: The sudde nand very untimely death of a childhood friend has left me in a really . .off state. I need distraction, I need to ride out the shock so I can grieve, so any and all randomness with any of the listed characters that havent been crossed out, is beyond welcome, dont even ask, post and let me know, I'll play.
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February 27th, 2008 5:46 pm


Amber here, and I will be playing the lovely yet snarky Veronica Mars. I'm also planning to bring in Elle Bishop, but Veronica has info in her user info if you want to know more. She's definitely not rich and will probably try to start up a PI business in town. I'm open to plotting with her.

You can reach me at balekitten on AIM.
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February 27th, 2008 12:14 pm
Hello. [

JJ here again I'm bringing in a new character, more will follow yes because I am a rp whore. I can admit it.

I bring in Kyle Reese from the Terminator franchise. He's AU as he's back around again set during the time frame the tv show is airing, he just hasn't run into Sarah and them yet.
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February 27th, 2008 11:40 am
...... [

My name is nat and I'm friendly to a certain extent. o.O It takes me a while to get comfortable with things so please for the love of all the goddess gives, be patient with me. I came because of JJ who plays my Bela's Dean. Um. Yes, and I'll also be playing Claire Bennet and Sarah Connor. Sarah however is gonna be played from the tv show, but movie canon thrown in since it's all incorperated into the show any which way.
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February 25th, 2008 11:16 am

Remember when I said that my pup count wouldn't stay at 1? Yeah - I think I'm up to 3 now. (Cameron, Harry and now Cate)

This is Dr. Cate Milton - the shrink from the post-StupidBowl episode of House who was stuck at the South Pole and diagnosed via webcam.

I bring her here b/c Kate beat me to UTR (like, same-time-application-ish-ness going on - freaky, really).
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February 20th, 2008 3:37 pm

So, I have a long weekend. I'm heading up to Raleigh tomorrow after work to see Larry Gatlin in a play. We're seeing the play on Saturday *and* Sunday, so I won't be home till Monday. I expect the hotels we stay in along the way will have high speed since a lot of hotels do these days, but I'm not sure how much I'll be able to log on. In any case, I'm going to try to wrap up some stuff tonight, and not leave so much hanging till Mon/Tues. I'd like to avoid starting anything new tonight, which kills Crowley cause he wants to attack all your pups with thie intro posts today, JJ! He may break down and throw a tag or two, since his first tags are always the same. Hah. But I won't be able to do much with him till next week. Much love to you all!
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February 20th, 2008 10:07 am
Hey everyone [

Just dropping in to introduce myself. I'm JJ and I love to roleplay. I come in with three characters for you all.

Dean Winchester [info]wevegotworktodo He follows along with the current season 3 of the show Supernatural, with some AU. He's dating Bela Talbot. I'll do my best to keep spoilers at a minimum.

John Winchester [info]losthunter He's AU as he is alive and all that. He follows and has knowledge of the current season of Supernatural as well. Again I'll keep spoilers at bay to the best of my ability.

Sylar.Gabriel Grey [info]murderousheart He's current up to the end of season 2 with his little tormenting and weird relationship with Claire Bennet tossing in for that AU flavor.

Any would love to meet new people, Sylar would yes just be a little scary.
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February 18th, 2008 10:10 pm

I'm just having a bang-up week. I have a rough draft due for my paper Friday, and I'm behind in the 'mini-assignments' leading up to that for this paper.

The last of the pups got fixed today, and she isn't acting right, so my Dad took her to the Vet ER, and once my mom gets home, I'm gonna be checking into the ER myself.

I wont go into the long winded reasons why, but as always the laptop will be with me, I'm just not sure exactly how much I'll be able to use it once I go into the registration office.

So, my tags/posts/etc will be slow, but I'll try to get something up every so often. It really just depends on what all happens.

I'll get on AIM when I can but I might have to sign out suddenly or after very brief sessions, please don't take offense, nurses get really bitchy.

This affects Damien, Laurie, Luke, Jack, possibly others, sorry if I missed any.

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February 16th, 2008 9:00 am

Hihi! I'm Aki. If any of you have been around Syncratic or Under the Rainbow, you pretty much know me as "that weird Psych girl"

Well here's Carlton Lassiter for those not familar. He's a hardassed, by the book, no fluff and kittens police Detective with an allergy to mint and a total dislike of pineapple obsessed psychic detectives. even if they're totally faking said psychic bits.

Feel free to poke fun at him as he will be snarly and its amusing. If you don't believe me, just ask the Spencer.

OH right! Contact stuff. [info]blessedprime and aim is the same. I'm right original with names. it's a gift.

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February 15th, 2008 11:01 pm

Hey, everyone! I know this is a little belated, but I figured that late was better than never, right? :D So, yes. Introduction time~

For those that haven't met me yet around the IJ roleplay sphere(ish thing?) my name is Casey and I'll be bringing Shawn Spencer to you from the usa television network's show: psych. :] I hope to be updating the wiki with my information soon, but until then if you have any questions for me (or would just like to talk to me in general) my aim screen name is 'thats a walnut' and you can also reach my email at: 'pterodactyls.on.call@gmail.com'.

I'll be making my introduction post as soon as I can get my thoughts all sorted out. :]
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February 9th, 2008 12:19 pm

So I'm in and out of here all day because my evil Aunt is coming up from Columbus (we like to joke that the broomstick is heading North).

I'm gonna be incredibly bored and cleaning gets me crabby, so-

Random threads? Anyone? All my kids would love to hang out except for Karen, unless your pup digs hospital gelatin and to have someone just listen and not respond.

Plotting makes me happy too. Comments are ♥
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February 7th, 2008 6:52 pm

Okay. Here's the deal with Crowley.

He does not speak. To anyone. Except possibly Del. or Del can hear his thoughts. Something. Because I still don't know why he doesn't speak. By choice, or by force. Could be he has no tongue. Or a snake tongue. Anyway. His random replies will be in pictures, or blank (thus referring to the icon for the picture). His log replies will be strictly narrative. Crowley's replies may take a while, because, this is a new concept for me. And it's a learning process.

But, the real reason for this post...

Crowley is a shape shifter. A green snake is his natural form. When human, he wears sunglasses. Always. They are fixed to his face, they can not be removed.

I would like Crowley to have the ability to morph in to any character in game, assuming there are sunglasses icons for the PBs. Obviously, if you'd prefer Crowley not take on your character's face, that's fine too. I'm going to add a little note in the app, from now on, asking if Crowley can take your PB's face. If you're already in the game, and you've already done the app, I ask that you reply here. Let me know. And if you are agreeable, if possible, please link me at least one image of your PB wearing sunglasses?
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February 6th, 2008 11:00 pm

Is there another location where the application procedures and such live other than the wiki? Since editthis is being a buttmunch?

ETA: N/M - I'm tired. I found it. I'll wake up at some point.
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