Healer's Path
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Thursday, January 24th, 2008

    Time Event
    Period cramp ideas
    [info]ladyofshadow suggested that I post this here!

    Here's a list of ways to reduce menstrual cramps that I posted in someone's comments and I decided to share it here.

    *No or very little sugar the day before and the first day of your period. If you crave it, try something starchy instead like potatoes.

    *Try to have mostly warm or room temperature drinks. Cold drinks can cause cramps. I read this somewhere and I'm not sure why it works but it does for me. I've even gotten cramps directly after a cold drink so I guess its true.

    *Certain yoga poses are perfect for cramps. Baddhakonasana is a good one (google it).

    *Drink lots of water or herbal tea to help reduce clots.

    *Take walks!

    *If you're up for it, have intercourse. Put a towel on the bed and go for it. It's not nearly as messy as you'd think. This always gets rid of my cramps 100% even without orgasm.

    *Reiki or any form of energy work/healing will be really good too.

    *Soy can help for some people. I like to have a cup of soy milk the day before and the first day of mine.

    One of the main problems I think is that we try to keep doing everything the same during our periods. Some people think of the moon time as a good time to meditate and focus on yourself. I think one of the reasons we can get so irritated at this time is that we don't do that focus on ourselves. Being quiet and meditative and spending time alone can help a lot.

    I've actually heard that taking pain killers can make it worse for some people.

    Do you ladies have any that you'd like to add or share?

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