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Apr. 10th, 2012


Who: Mary-Lynette and Ash
Where: Hallway, her room.
What: Getting caght being curious.
When: the morning after the gruesome stuff happened.
Why: Cause they are cute.
Open: No sorry
Rating: Low.

You can't stare up at the sky and not be curious about what is out there. )


Who: Thierry and Hannah
Where: her room
What/When: Feeding, he's starving.
When: After all the commotion downstairs.
Open: No, sorry.
Rating: Moderate he's biting her...

He was lucky she loved and cared for him. Especially after everything she'd been through because of him. )

Apr. 9th, 2012


When the house started to awaken and those who roam in the night start to head to bed, they will notice the house is started to shake. It wasn't quite an earthquake, but it was knocking things over and the house was shifting as if it was growing (added two more floor, which will be updated sometime today.)

Once the quakes settle left with little shaking sputters now and then, when one steps into the halls, blood will be splattered against the wall. Blondie hair will be over the floor and some body parts look like they were caught in the wall. It was as if a woman (Oliva Queen) had got smashed with the switching of the house.

In the dining room, a male body (Oliver Quinn) will be face down on the table with multiple holes in his body, blood is seeping everywhere.

There will dust (Angel) in a ransacked kitchen with a pair of wooden chopsticks laying in the middle.

Lastly in the middle of the living room, there is a heart that’s still beating with Tyler Lockwood body crumpled beside it.

Good Morning, residences!

Fun times are now over.

[OOC: Feel free to make a new threads finding these things or have character react via net]

Apr. 6th, 2012


Who: Katherine Pierce and Damon Salvatore
What: Damon comes to grovel
When: Now
Where: Her room
Rating: High
Status: Closed/In progress

Read more... )

Apr. 2nd, 2012


Who: Thierry and Hannah
Where: Her room.
What: Reuniting.
When: Late night, he doesn’t do daytime very well.
Open: No.
Rating: Low, if he’s lucky he might get to second base. ;P

He hadn’t so much as forgotten her than been consumed by the desire to find her a way out, to protect her. )

Mar. 30th, 2012


WHO: Stefan & whiskey...and OPEN.
WHAT: Thinking too much and being hungry.
WHERE: Outside.
WHEN: After talking to Damon.
RATING: low?
STATUS: in progress?
NOTES: He might be hostile depending on who tags, so don't join in if you can't handle that.

you want to catch your breath, you want to get out // but as you surface you don't really know how // how to live upon the solid ground // sometimes it's easier to let yourself drown )


Who: Natasha and Clint
Where: Outside the house
What: Interaction
When: Now.
Rating: tbd
Notes: Nah.
Open: Not this time.

Reflection still looks the same to me. )

Mar. 29th, 2012


Who: Katherine Pierce (at first), Tyler Cormier and then OPEN
What: Katherine takes out her anger on Tyler
When: Now
Where: The living room
Rating: Highish for violence
Status: OPEN

How can you see into my eyes like open doors? Leading you down into my core, where I've become so numb )


Game Event

The storm has stopped, all of the blood is completely gone, as if it were never there at all. But what's that strange howling sound coming from the woods just off the path?

Mar. 27th, 2012


Who: Lexi, Damon, Eric (cameo), and whoever wants to join in on the vampire game.
Where: Outside
What: Interaction and fun
When: Now.
Rating: Medium for now, but it’s Lexi and Damon…no telling if a fight will break out.
Notes: Nah.
Open: Yes to join or react to the blood covered vamps

I‘m letting go tonight, wide awake )




Mar. 26th, 2012


characters/posting order: diana, faye, melissa & [open to reactions].
setting: outside, this morning.
summary: three little witches try to stop the storm with eerie consequences.
rating: tbd.
status: in progress.

She was already soaked and uncomfortable, so hopefully this would not take long. )


Who: Katherine and Damon
What: Katherine comes to see Damon
When: Now
Where: His room
Rating: High
Status: Closed/In progress

Read more... )

Mar. 20th, 2012


Who: Sam Winchester and Ruby
What: Secret Meeting
Where: Far back corner of the property
When: During the storm
Warnings: Possible. Watch this space.

He knew he was making a mistake, but Ruby had always been his weakness... )

Mar. 16th, 2012


WHO: Lissa Dragomir and Jason Stackhouse
WHEN: March 16.
WHERE: Their room! (Roommates, pervs!)
WHAT: Jason is gonna hit on his hot roommate. :)
RATING: Probably PG or PG-13 because Jason is a bad boy. Nothing involved, though lol
OPEN: Nope!

Mar. 14th, 2012


The day had been nice, a slight breeze in the wind, but before it was evening, the sky grew darker and a low rumble started, then got louder, bigger, and then flashes of lighting.

A huge storm has fallen upon the house and as each hour ticks by, the storm grows worse. Winds pick up, the house is a creaking, trees are falling. There’s no telling if a tree will hit the house, if the lighting will catch something on fire, It’s tornado weather, be careful in the house tonight.


[Group threads don‘t do well, so this is just an event thread. Please post threads or net post to react. As of right now, the crashing sound is a mystery, figure it out.]

Mar. 10th, 2012


Who: Elle Bishop and OTA
Where: Late at night walking the grounds.
What: Restless
When: Late at night.
Rating: TBA
Open: Yep.

I can feel thron on my side. )

Mar. 9th, 2012


Who: Penny, wine bottle, and OTA
Where: Rec Room
When: Now
Why: Interaction and she's loud muse
Open: You bet your ass it is.
Notes: Penny is a drunk dunk.

Mun is bored at work )

Mar. 7th, 2012


Who: Amanda/OTA
Where: Hallways
What: Left her room
When: Now.
Rating: PG-13(for now)
Open: Yes
Status: In progress

What now? )


Who: Faith and Open
Where: Side of the house
What: Interaction.
When: Now.
Rating: TBD
Open: Yes
Status: In progress

@ )

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