April 9th, 2012

[info]hauntedmods in [info]hauntedmanor

When the house started to awaken and those who roam in the night start to head to bed, they will notice the house is started to shake. It wasn't quite an earthquake, but it was knocking things over and the house was shifting as if it was growing (added two more floor, which will be updated sometime today.)

Once the quakes settle left with little shaking sputters now and then, when one steps into the halls, blood will be splattered against the wall. Blondie hair will be over the floor and some body parts look like they were caught in the wall. It was as if a woman (Oliva Queen) had got smashed with the switching of the house.

In the dining room, a male body (Oliver Quinn) will be face down on the table with multiple holes in his body, blood is seeping everywhere.

There will dust (Angel) in a ransacked kitchen with a pair of wooden chopsticks laying in the middle.

Lastly in the middle of the living room, there is a heart that’s still beating with Tyler Lockwood body crumpled beside it.

Good Morning, residences!

Fun times are now over.

[OOC: Feel free to make a new threads finding these things or have character react via net]