March 7th, 2012

[info]thenorthman in [info]hauntedmanor

Who: Eric Northman, Stefan Salvatore, Ruby (SPN)
What: Having a nightcap/blood
Where: Eric's room, perhaps elsewhere
When: Late at night
Status: In Progress | Closed for now

two vampires and a demon walk into a bar... )

[info]allmenarebeasts in [info]hauntedmanor

Who: Faith and Open
Where: Side of the house
What: Interaction.
When: Now.
Rating: TBD
Open: Yes
Status: In progress

@ )

[info]missmindfuck in [info]hauntedmanor

Who: Amanda/OTA
Where: Hallways
What: Left her room
When: Now.
Rating: PG-13(for now)
Open: Yes
Status: In progress

What now? )