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An ACTIVE Harry Potter RPG Community [4th Year]

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A few things to note [09 Jan 2008|10:17pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

A few things to note--

1. Please do not have conversations on the auditions page. Lmao I love you guys and your enthusiasm, but seriously, I always open up the main page, and the auditions page, and I see the comments number and I'm like "OMG THAT MANY AUDITIONS?" and wham. Thanks. lmfao.

I am teasing, but geez lmao you should have seen how excited I was. xD

2. New samples must be written for each character. Each audition is an entirely new piece, unconnected to the last one you wrote, unless the circumstances are special. Sorry if the auditions page gave the wrong idea- I'm going to clarify it there!

I ♥ you guys!

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[09 Jan 2008|11:42pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | The Beatles... ]

Hey everyone... last update for the night. Everyone PLEASE READ THIS POST. It's important whether you're involved or not. Time for Quidditch Schedules! )

Quidditch Practices )

Team Captains )

Team Players )


Alright, that's all I've got for tonight! As usual, any questions/comments can be left here [or emailed]!

♥ Felicia/Harry/Stewart!

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[ viewing | January 9th, 2008 ]
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