Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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July 25th, 2008



Meh 8

Original poster: malfoypotter

Because it's my Birthday I give me (and everyone else) oh my gosh! FIC! YAY Happy Birthday me!

Title Meh 8
Author Jess
Rating PG/R
Disclaimer I don't own them *sadface*
Notes You can read this as a stand alone if you want. As always this is for Ruth. x
Summary Sun, Sea, Sand (of the grating kind), Sex, Drinks with umbrella's in, 101 things to do with a condom, a man named Bjorn, the truth behind the birth of Vincent Crabbe and Draco Malfoy: Private Investigator extrodinare. In other words, the honeymoon.

(It was the sort of hotel, Draco mused distastefully, where one hung towels over the balcony...)

numbers 1-2, number 3, number 4, number 5, number 6 and number 7




Ficlet: I Will Remember You

Original poster: lasting-melodys

Title:  I Will Remember You
Rating:  Pg-13 maybe
Pairings:  Draco/Harry
Warnings:  Slash, Angst but hope infused too.
Disclaimer:  Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. I do not own a thing, am not making any money or anything like that! But anything you do not recognize is mine. :]
Status:  Complete!
Summary:  One last look before finally moving on
Author’s Notes:  The words just started coming to me, so I wrote before I lost them! Just a quick little ficlet.

(I Will Remember You)



Fic: 'Disrobius Maximus' HP/DM NC17

Original poster: softly_sweetly

Title - Disrobius Maximus
Author - [info]softly_sweetly
Beta - [info]potion_lady
Rating - NC17
Word Count - ~1150
Characters/Pairings - Draco/Harry
Warnings - Explicit Slash, EWE, Potions
Disclaimer - I own nothing but the plot lines. I make no money from this, and mean no offence by any scene depicted within this story. All characters depicted in sexual situations herein are above the age of consent.
Summary - Someone has left Draco a gift, but he isn’t stupid enough to take it. Harry, on the other hand…
Author's Notes - Written for [info]draco_pet, counts to prompt #8 Spontaneous!Sex from my [info]mission_insane Plot? What Plot? Table

Disrobius Maximus



Secret Dreams

Title: Secret Dreams
Author: [info]alisanne
Word Count: 100 x 4
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG overall
Challenge: Written for [info]hd100's prompt: Secret
Author's Notes: Sometimes dreams do come true.
Beta: [info]sevfan
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Secret Dreams