Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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November 2nd, 2007



Hard Time, Chapter 15

Original poster: juweldom

Title: Hard Time Ch. 15/?
Author: Juwel (juweldom@yahoo.com)
Pairings: Draco/Harry
Rating: Adult (NC-17)
Catetories: romance, darkfic, hurt/comfort, angst
Warnings: SPOILERS for DH, compliant with DH except for the epilogue. Warnings for darkfic, rape, submission and domination, and suicidal tendencies. Did I mention generous helpings of angst?
Archive: just ask.
Disclaimer: The characters in this fic are the property of J.K. Rowling and not mine, sadly. That doesn't seem to have stopped anyone from using them in truly sick and demented ways. No money is being made from this.
Summary: The war is over, and the Death Eaters must do hard time in Azkaban. Draco must vanquish his worst enemy; his own fear.

2907 wds this chapter

Previous chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Chapter Fifteen: A Remedy for Nightmares



Fallen Star -UPDATE- Chapter 13

Original poster: slashpervert

Title: Fallen Star
Authors: [info]slashpervert and [info]aveeno_baby.
Beta: [info]roonilwaz
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: ADULT!
Genre: Romance, Smut, Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. And others – if you must know, mark this text: Consensually with (two female and one male) original characters as well. In addition to rapes/torture by several Death Eaters.
Length: 85,000 words (32 Chapters)
Warnings (Mark to Read): Language, Explicit M/M sex, M/F sex, F/F sex, Oral, Anal, Vaginal, Rimming, Foursome, Threesome, Non-Monogamy/Polyamory. Later chapters include Explicit Violent Sex, Forced Anal, Forced Oral, Bondage, Rape, Humiliation, Pain, Violence, Blood, Torture, and canon Character Deaths mentioned. (Characters in this fiction are over 18.)
Summary: Sequel to Shooting Star. Voldemort has taken over wizarding Great Britain. Harry and Draco have fled to San Francisco to live as Muggles, Harlan and David. Can they really make lives together and without magic, even after everything that has happened to them? Will the Death Eaters find them? What of the prophecy?
Note: Begun before the release of DH, so AU after HBP. This fiction is complicated in theme, being fluffy sometimes, and returning to the style of darkfic seen in book one, at others. It also deals with consensual non-monogamy. Parts of this story took inspiration from the song “Come What May” (from the movie Moulin Rouge, song by David Baerwald, sung by Ewan MacGregor). Icon from art by [info]elspethelf.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or a used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental. This is a work of parody, as defined by the Fair Use Doctrine. Any similarities, without satirical intent, to copyrighted characters, or individuals living or dead, are purely coincidental. This work has not been endorsed by J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Books, Warner Brothers, or any of the other holding copyright or license to the Harry Potter books or movies. No connection is implied or should be inferred. This is not a commercial work. The authors receive no financial gain from its production or distribution. It is available without charge. This work is intended for adults only. Some of the content of this fiction is graphically violent and/or sexual. It is intended for readers age eighteen or over and anyone underage is prohibited from reading.

The fic is written but is still being Beta’d. Will post here as chapters are completed. Here are links to the completed chapters.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13



Stolen Chances

Original poster: catchthegrey

Title: Stolen Chances 2/3
Word Count: 1065
Warnings: M/M, Slash, Angst, Rated 17+ just to be prudent
Pairings: HP/DM
Summary: All the best of intentions bring all the worst results. Harry and Draco are partners. Draco doesn't care what others think of him and Harry makes a badly miscalculated decision. Its an Auror Fic, people.
Disclaimer: They are Rowlings. I own nothing.
Has not been Beta'd

(Draco dropped into the chair unceremoniously.)

X-posted on [info]harrylovesdraco, [info]harrydraco

Part 1



Don't Struggle

Original poster: sesheta-66

Title: Don't Struggle
Author: [info]sesheta_66
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: ~ 440
Pairing/Characters: Draco/Harry
Challenge: For [info]melmoe1's birthday prompt of "Don't struggle like that, I will only love you more." It also fits my GJ 100_prompts table 002 - "motion."
Summary: PWP. Draco loves to watch Harry squirm.
Warnings: Explicit sex, rimming, mild bondage.
Disclaimer: The author is not responsible for underage readers. This is an ADULT fic. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country. The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

"Don't struggle like that ..."



Yay! First Post (And Fic)

Original poster: tes-aidan

Okay, I just got approved, so I figured I might as well set up my first post. This is a Harry Draco two part fic. Pretty short (both parts are) and the first is angst, the second is flangst (angst and fluff). I can't have stories end sadly. They're Draco-Centric.

Summary for part one: "After the war, to save himself from starving, Draco agrees to a seedy photo shoot."
Summary for part two: "Harry picks up a stray."

Hope you all enjoy!

This fic is now officially x-posted EVERYWHERE O.o lolz

Title: No One in the World
Author: Me! [info]tes_aidan
Summary: After the war, to save himself from starving, Draco agrees to a seedy photo shoot.
Pairings: Draco-centric H/D in fantasy, Draco/Self (masturbation)
Warnings: ANGST! Slashyness :D
Beta: None

(A Click of a Camera...)



Stolen Chances (Finale)

Original poster: catchthegrey

Title: Stolen Chances 3/3
Word Count: 1565
Warnings: M/M, Slash, Angst, Rated 17+ just to be prudent
Pairings: HP/DM
Summary: All the best of intentions bring all the worst results. Harry and Draco are partners. Draco doesn't care what others think of him and Harry makes a badly miscalculated decision. Its an Auror Fic, people.
Disclaimer: They are Rowlings. I own nothing.
Has not been Beta'd

(What the bloody hell was Draco playing at?)

Yes xposted.



A Love So Belated - UPDATE - Chapter 16-17

Original poster: slashpervert

Title: A Love So Belated
Authors: [info]slashpervert and [info]sayingsorry_hh.
Beta: [info]asm614
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: ADULT
Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst, Smut
Pairing: Draco/Harry (Ginny/Harry, Other/Draco and others implied in backstory).
Book Length: 125,000 Words (44 Chapters) - COMPLETE
Warnings (Mark to Read): DH Spoilers. Language, Brief M/F Sex, Explicit M/M Sex, Anal, Oral, Rimming, Intercourse, Infidelity, Humiliation, Exhibitionism, Pain, Violence, Blood, Torture, Non-con, Rape and Character Death (H/D live). (Characters in this fiction are adults.)
Summary: Harry returns Draco’s wand to him, and is surprised to find that an unlikely friendship develops between them. He isn’t prepared for the desire that grows as he gets to know the other man. Nor is anyone else in either of their lives.
Notes: Post-DH. We found additional inspiration in the song “Who Would Have Thought” by Darren Hayes, from which we draw the title. Icon art by [info]linnpuzzle.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or a used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental. This is a work of parody, as defined by the Fair Use Doctrine. Any similarities, without satirical intent, to copyrighted characters, or individuals living or dead, are purely coincidental. This work has not been endorsed by J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Books, Warner Brothers, or any of the other holding copyright or license to the Harry Potter books or movies. No connection is implied or should be inferred. This is not a commercial work. The authors receive no financial gain from its production or distribution. It is available without charge. This work is intended for adults only. Some of the content of this fiction is graphically violent and/or sexual. It is intended for readers age eighteen or over and anyone underage is prohibited from reading.

This novel is complete and being Beta’d. We will be posting at least three chapters a week, probably Mon/Wed/Fri.

Chapter 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17



Harry/Draco: All Hallow's Eve

Original poster: silver-etoile

Title: All Hallow's Eve
Author: roxierose13 aka silver_etoile
Rating: NC-17
Complete: Yes
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Disclaimer: I solemnly swear that I do not own Harry Potter and/or any other characters used in this fic. They are all property of J.K. Rowling.
Summary:  Harry doesn't like the idea of the Halloween "Ball" but he's forced to go anyway. Everything is fine until his secret is slipped...
A/N: Happy Halloween!



first post!!!

Original poster: darcia_23

i bring a fic!!

Title: Redemption
Author: Darcia_23
Beta: Vani
Rating: R
Genre: action/adventure, romance, angst
Summery: set during the events of deathly hallows. what if draco was there to help?
Disclaimer: the characters belong to Jk Rowling
A/N: please read and review, i would love to know what you think!




Fallen Star -UPDATE- Chapter 14

Original poster: slashpervert

Title: Fallen Star
Authors: [info]slashpervert and [info]aveeno_baby.
Beta: [info]roonilwaz
Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: ADULT!
Genre: Romance, Smut, Hurt/Comfort
Pairing: Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. And others – if you must know, mark this text: Consensually with (two female and one male) original characters as well. In addition to rapes/torture by several Death Eaters.
Length: 85,000 words (32 Chapters)
Warnings (Mark to Read): Language, Explicit M/M sex, M/F sex, F/F sex, Oral, Anal, Vaginal, Rimming, Foursome, Threesome, Non-Monogamy/Polyamory. Later chapters include Explicit Violent Sex, Forced Anal, Forced Oral, Bondage, Rape, Humiliation, Pain, Violence, Blood, Torture, and canon Character Deaths mentioned. (Characters in this fiction are over 18.)
Summary: Sequel to Shooting Star. Voldemort has taken over wizarding Great Britain. Harry and Draco have fled to San Francisco to live as Muggles, Harlan and David. Can they really make lives together and without magic, even after everything that has happened to them? Will the Death Eaters find them? What of the prophecy?
Note: Begun before the release of DH, so AU after HBP. This fiction is complicated in theme, being fluffy sometimes, and returning to the style of darkfic seen in book one, at others. It also deals with consensual non-monogamy. Parts of this story took inspiration from the song “Come What May” (from the movie Moulin Rouge, song by David Baerwald, sung by Ewan MacGregor). Icon from art by [info]elspethelf.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or a used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental. This is a work of parody, as defined by the Fair Use Doctrine. Any similarities, without satirical intent, to copyrighted characters, or individuals living or dead, are purely coincidental. This work has not been endorsed by J.K. Rowling, Scholastic Books, Warner Brothers, or any of the other holding copyright or license to the Harry Potter books or movies. No connection is implied or should be inferred. This is not a commercial work. The authors receive no financial gain from its production or distribution. It is available without charge. This work is intended for adults only. Some of the content of this fiction is graphically violent and/or sexual. It is intended for readers age eighteen or over and anyone underage is prohibited from reading.

The fic is written but is still being Beta’d. Will post here as chapters are completed. Here are links to the completed chapters.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14



Harry's Weakness

Original poster: sesheta-66

Title: Harry's Weakness
Author: [info]sesheta_66
Rating: Adult
Word Count: ~ 845
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Draco
Challenge: For [info]alaana_fair's birthday prompt of "Harry opened the letter and smiled." It also fits my GJ 100_prompts #065 - "weakness."
Summary: Harry has been away at Auror training for far too long.
Disclaimer: The author is not responsible for underage readers. This is an ADULT fic. Please observe the ratings, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country. The characters contained herein are not mine. They belong to JK Rowling and her publishers. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Harry opened the letter and smiled.



Challenge #5

Original poster: enchanted_jae

Title: Porridge and Baked Beans on Toast
Author: [info]enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco; Lucius/Narcissa
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Snark
Word count: 505
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written for the current [info]awdt prompt, in which the story must contain baked beans on toast. This is also for Challenge #5 at [info]harrylovesdraco, which is "Oh my God! The look on your face was priceless!"
Summary: Lucius and Narcissa are coming to dinner; Draco is a nervous wreck, and Harry is cracking jokes.

Porridge and Baked Beans on Toast



[No Subject]

Original poster: slashychick666

TITLE: Anna Molly (like the Incubus Song)
RATING: Overall-R this chapter- PG13
AUTHOR: slashychick666
SUMMARY: Harry remembers his rapid decline, and what got him where he is now.
WARNINGS: eating disorders, dysfunctional relationships



[No Subject]

Original poster: slashychick666

TITLE: Anna Molly (like the Incubus Song)
RATING: Overall-R this chapter- PG13
AUTHOR: slashychick666
SUMMARY: Harry remembers his rapid decline, and what got him where he is now.
WARNINGS: eating disorders, dysfunctional relationships.

Part I
Part II
out of III



Family Welcome

Title: Family Welcome
Author: [info]alisanne
Rating: PG
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
Summary: Draco is welcomed into his new family.
Word Count: ~1540
Genre: Romance
Warnings: AU (I started this before DH)
A/N: Originally started as my response to the Hex Files Feb Challenge which was: Harry attempts to win Draco's approval with the traditional Valentine's fare. But Draco, unimpressed, decides to show Harry what Valentine's Day really means to him. Exactly 1500 words, three of which must be indecision, imperative, and excise.
So, anyway, I really wanted to finish it, so I made it into a more seasonally appropriate story and here it is. :)
Beta: the ever-patient [info]sevfan
Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made from this fiction, which is presented for entertainment purposes only.

Family Welcome