Harry Loves Draco

November 2012


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September 29th, 2004



Angry little drabble...Rated R... Show Me...


Original poster: jamie2109

Well, this is an angry little drabble. Sometimes my evil!Ron likes to come out and play, and when he does poor Draco is usually his victim. So, I was pissed at a damned writers block I had, and so opened up Word and let Ron take over. This is what he came up with. Writers block cured....all by myself.

Title: Show Me
Author: [info]jamie2109
Rating: R for language
Pairing: Hmm, well mention of H/D
Summary: uh uh just read it, its not that long.
Word Count: 197
Disclaimer: Not mine, I just use Ron sometimes to stop me hitting someone. Don't worry, he likes it, really he does.

Show Me



[No Subject]


Original poster: rurounihime

Title: Six Days at the Villa
Author: [info]rurounihime
Pairing: H/D
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Harry gets a visit from an old friend.

Disclaimer: JK Rowling's, not mine.

Six Days at the Villa



The Unusual Affair ch.1/?


Original poster: danella

Title: The Unusual Affair
Author: Danela
Part: chapter 1/?
Pairing: Harry/Draco, some Harry/Hermione
Rating: R

Warnings:slash, some het DON'T LIKE IT, DON'T READ IT
Disclaimer:This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

Genre:slash, het
Summary: As a teacher in Hogwarts, Harry's life seems set, but that changes when a new teacher arrives.

Author's Notes: Thanks to my beta for a great job. If anyone is interested, I got the idea for this story while watching a movie couple of months ago. It was about a love triangle between two men and a woman (who were also teachers, by the way-that's why I had the idea to make a post Hogwarts story with our favourite characters).


chapter 1 )







Original poster: lildove42

Alright people, as a completely stressed out grad student, I NEED short little happy ficlets! So I'm issuing a challenge.

H/D or anybody at this point, I don't care. Think uber stress, exams, crises, anything that causes stress. What do these boys (people) do to relieve the stress??? Can we say sex?? Lots and lots of schmoopiness. That's what I want. I'm in the mood for happiness and fluff! And SMUT!

No deadline, just write it! Preferably in less than 5,000 words. Like I said, I'm a grad student who is completely stressed myself.