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Harry's Hutch

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Welcome Post [27 Dec 2007|12:01pm]
Do you write Lucius Malfoy/Vacuum Attachment? Filch/Potter? Did you just have to write that fic where Harry lost his trousers at an inappropriate moment? Do you like the preverbal custard pie in Bellatrix’s mush? Is your Sirius Black really Stubby Boardman? Do you like cake? Have nowhere to post it?

Then fear not!

You have found the right place!

Rules for Membership

1) Members should be over the age of 18 and be human. No trolls unless they are in the dudgeon or dating Severus Snape .
2) A Posting Template should be used because I’m lazy and it makes it easier to /find/read/look at the crack you like
3) All entries should use a LJ-cut
4)Everything is welcome be it Gen/Het/Crossover/Slash/Stupid. All I ask is that everything is clearly labelled  
5) Commenting: Yes please, but remember no heckling! If you’ve nothing nice to say then don’t say it
If you need anything like cake or have any questions then ask in any mod post or send some psychic vibes or something

I thank you!
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[ viewing | December 27th, 2007 ]
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