hitsuzen in creativity

Rave posting in Happenstance
User: [info]cheloya
Date: 2007-09-03 17:20
Subject: [Multifandom] One-Liners; 02/09/2007
Security: Public
Tags:bleach, final fantasy vii, loveless, one piece, petshop of horrors, pokemon, tsubasa reservoir chronicle, xxxholic

As usual, alphabetical by fandom.

One-line drabbles from 02/09/07. )

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Rave posting in Happenstance
User: [info]cheloya
Date: 2007-01-07 21:40
Subject: [Multifandom] Bleach; Death Note; Fruits Basket; H2G2; Pokémon
Security: Public
Tags:bleach, death note, fruits basket, h2g2, pokemon

one-liners )

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Rave posting in Happenstance
User: [info]cheloya
Date: 2006-10-09 15:11
Subject: [Multifandom] Original; FFVII; Legal Drug; Pokémon; PSOH; Wish; xxxHOLiC
Security: Public
Music:Tori Amos // Datura
Tags:against the moon, final fantasy vii, legal drug, nanowrimo, original, petshop of horrors, pokemon, wish, xxxholic

Written as warm-ups during NaNoWriMo.

Title: Appropriate Nutrition
Fandom: Original (Against the Moon)
Character/s: Hiru, Skeff, Sanga
Words: 238
Notes: -

Honey. )

Title: Resistance
Fandom: xxxHOLiC
Character/s: Watanuki
Words: 245
Notes: -

Crazy. )

Title: Yuffie > You
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Character/s: Yuffie, Vincent
Words: 100
Notes: -

Greater. )

Title: It's Like Spilt Milk
Fandom: Petshop of Horrors
Character/s: Chris, Tetsu
Words: 200
Notes: -

Weigh. )

Title: Bells for Her
Fandom: Wish
Character/s: Kohaku, Koryuu
Words: 578
Notes: -

Form. )

Title: Red Tape of Fate?
Fandom: Legal Drug
Character/s: Kazahaya, Rikuou
Words: 340
Notes: -

Tape. )

Title: Convergence
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
Character/s: Yuffie, Vincent, Cait Sith
Words: 662
Notes: -

Fortune. )

Title: Benefit of the Doubt
Fandom: Pokémon
Character/s: Jessie, James, Meowth
Words: 200
Notes: -

Arena. )

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my journal
November 2011