October 2013




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Oct. 4th, 2013


WHO: Meg Murry and R
WHEN: Early Evening, 10/4
WHERE: Near Town Center
WHAT: meeting in person
STATUS: In Progress

Candy corn fuels the fight. )


Marvelous place, absolutely marvelous. I do apologize if anyone has come to see me during the day, but I haven't quite figured out how to be alive at that time. I do apologize for any inconvenience.


Does this place have waffles? Because I'll be really sad if there isn't any waffles.


While D's catching a bat nap (get it?) I'm taking over and introducing myself.

Yeah, I'm a talking hand. Go ahead. Take that fact and run with it.


Could someone [...] Could someone please help me?

I'm afraid I've become lost. I'm quite frightened.


I don't remember reading anything about this when I was researching the Accession. Usually the books are fairly accurate. Does anyone have any information that could be helpful?

Oct. 3rd, 2013


Well isn't this interesting.


Alright...after a little exploring I decided it might not be horrible. It's not Mystic Falls but that might be a good thing.


Who: Sam & Ruby
What: meeting up.
When: eh, let's just say it's today.
Where: the Mansion on the Hill
Warnings: TBD

... )


Oh, the Mortuary is just lovely. I find I'm quite enjoying this location change.

For those I did not yet meet, my name is Emily.


[Locked to the Trio]

Jack says he wants us to be very helpful and kindhearted this year.

Giving them extended tours of the deepest part of the forest and letting them find their way back is helpful, right?


Name's Van Helsing.

Don't make any trouble while you're here.


I think I broke Harry Potter

Okay, so besides the whole displacement thing, this place is actually pretty freaking cool. There's a lot of interesting people to meet, so hi, everyone. I'm Allison Argent. Pretty much a normal human; lacking any sort of supernatural powers, but really good with a bow and arrow when the need arises.

Anyway, it's nice to meet any/all of you.


Hello, guests! I hope everyone's settled in. Isn't Halloween Town beautiful this time of year? The falling leaves, the blood-red sunsets, the spider webs shining so beautifully in the moonlight!

I have an exciting announcement to make, if you'll care to lend an ear! Every year, the residents of Halloween Town have a broom race, and this year, the residents have kindly agreed to open up participation to you. Just let me know here if you're interested; while we'll allow anyone to sign up, it's not a simple course! Last year alone there were three beheadings - crazy! So I suggest that if you don't have experience with brooms, it might be best to cheer your friends on from the ground.

Brooms will be provided, of course! The race is next week. Make sure you practice, practice, practice! Oh! And before I forget - please let me know if you have any medical experience. We usually need that!

Only 28 days left until Halloween!

[ Warded to Lock, Shock, and Barrel ]

And I would hope this goes without saying, but I want none of your usual troublemaking this year! We're not going to have a repeat of last year's mess, do you understand? You behave, and make sure Oogie's bugs behave as well!

[ /Ward ]


Just out of curiosity -- how many people came here in the middle of their own world's Apocalypse? Maybe we can find a way to help each other out. Trade tips or something.


Single men, ages 17-19, report in. Beacon Hills boys need not apply.


Isaac. Forest. Darach - confirmed via latest entry.
Derek. _____. ????.
Allison. Forest. Darach - unconfirmed, but likely going by flirting.
Lydia. Mortuary. Darach - unconfirmed.
Erica. _____. Pre-death, bank vault - confirmed via latest entry.
Boyd. Forest. ????.
Jackson. Asylum. ????. Werewolf/Kanima/Teenage Asshole - unconfirmed. Must confirm.

Scott, Stilinski, Cora, Argent, Darach, Deucalion, Deaton, Kali's toenails, Ed and Adam Evan and Allen Dumb and Dumber, Gerard, Actual Psychopath Argent

Oct. 2nd, 2013


To get it straight: this is absolutely not Purgatory. That has far more cages and doors and general bureaucracy. Probably not heaven,either, because it'd be a crap heaven, wouldn't it.
God, though, this place. It's quite interesting, isn't it? Like stepping into a kid's movie. I wonder if we're animated now. I wonder if we'd even know.

Anyway, if anyone needs an extra coffin, I don't sleep, so you're welcome to it.
I don't understand how you'd sleep in a bloody coffin, anyway. Bit chilling to think about, if you weren't dead anyway. Creepy. But hey,hello, everyone else here. I'm Annie.


I'm suddenly regretting my choice in bedrooms. Creepy asylum is creepy, but... yeah. Faucets have never sounded so ominous.

God, I wish you were here Calvin why can't I find you

Note: this is not an invitation to come find and eat me.


This is....strange to say the least. Jack freaking Skellington brought us here. this is insane. .

We've already established its no stranger than anything that's happened to me or my friends in the last year or so.

At least whenever they get us back home I can hopefully enjoy my summer. I wasn't quite ready for Halloween. I was supposed to have a few months of summer to enjoy.

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