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Hallowed Times

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[May. 28th, 2013|06:59 pm]
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who: sadie and topher
what: dealing with decisions
where: by the lake at dusk
rating: tbd

no amount of screaming will pull it back in )
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[Apr. 3rd, 2013|02:39 pm]

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Who: Slytherins
When: Wednesday
Where: Bulstrode House
Summary: Slytherin Party
Rating: PG-13 (Cause most of them swear seriously...)

Read more... )
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[Mar. 22nd, 2013|12:42 am]

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Who: Mark Summerby and Topher Vaisey
When: Thursday during the day
Where: Quidditch Camp
Summary: Mark is taking a break from playing Chaser today and takes a look at his competition.
Rating: TBD

Mark was a lot of things, but he certainly wasn't lazy. )
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[Mar. 21st, 2013|11:03 pm]

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Who:Millicent and Open
Where:Slytherin Common Room (changed cause Vaisy couldn't be in the interhouse common room)
Summary:Millicent in deep thought
Rating:PG/PG-13 (Millicent might swear...)

Millicent and Quiet never went well together... )
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