Dec. 8th, 2008


New found motivation

Yes, its been about 5 months since I've touched this journal. But I'm back now. Ready to take another shot at this. I have some new fuond motivation this time. A boyfriend. I don't know if I talked about him before in posts, but his name is Corey. I've known him for a year and a half now. We've been best friends since the day we met. I swear, it almost seems like we've known each other our whole lives. I developed a very big crush on him very quickly, and soon fell completely in love with him. Finally in August he asked me out on a date. And we've been dating ever since. We're pretty serious about each other. I didn't know it was possible to love someone as much as I love him. But is it possible!

So, I've gotten kinda "settled" lately, and find myself not careing about what I eat, and how much of it I'm really eating. I've really gone overboard. I just weighed myself now, and am completely surprised, 245! I'm not sure how accruate that is though. The scale I used here at work is kind of weird, and I'm not sure how a tiled floor makes a difference on a scale. Plus I am fully-clothed, with shoes & I just ate a huge meal like 2 hours ago. But I'm still happy to know I'm not up in the 250s like I thought I would be!

I already pretty much screwed up for today. I had a footlong pizza-sub from subway. And then 1 1/2 cinnamon rolls here at work. And some chips.

I'm really wanting this now. More than I ever have before.

I'm taking it in very small goals.

I have 3 weeks till new years eve. And I want to lose 10 pounds by then. Thats my first goal.

I'm working night shift, so I could really fit some exercise into my night because its fairly quiet most of the time. So I plan to walk the halls, and do arm exercises with 5lb weights & maybe some stomach exercises... like crunches? I don't know any good stomach exercises. I really wish we had a DVD down here, I could bring my cardio dvds & my hip hop abs. But I guess i'll just have to find time at home to do them.

May. 9th, 2008


Build me up buttercup

I'm having a really hard time getting motivated enough to actually START my diet. I did good for a half a day last week, and that was it. I weighed myself this morning, 250lbs. Its my highest weight EVER. I was holding steady at 230-235 for a long time, but something just snapped in me recently, and I've been eating like a pig day in and day out. I really need to learn to be accountable for myself, and STICK TO IT. I have such a hard time staying motivated, and try as I might I always end up giving into temptations, and hunger pains. I don't have a large goal this time. I just really would like to lose 30 pounds to start with. Ultimately I wanna lose 100 or more, but I'm taking it in baby steps, and not thinking about the "ultimate". Just trying to stay focused on a mini-goal.

May 2009



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