dem's some haggard ass icons

by emam and alexi!

4/16/08 07:25 pm - [info]24601 - Tony Hawk

I love Tony Hawk, and I always will, mainly because, as my sister put it, he's a middle-aged man who still acts like a teenager. She meant it in a more insulting way, but I sure as hell don't.

105 Tony Hawk )

12/23/07 04:13 pm - [info]24601 - Tony Hawk

Partial repost from alexcicio, since I've added several since my other posts there.

For the record, I love Tony Hawk too damn much, and I know it. I watch crappy TV shows for Tony Hawk, I'm dying for Gumball 3000: The Movie to come out where I can get it for Tony Hawk, I can't believe I don't PB him in every game I'm in. Then again, how can you not like Tony Hawk? (Note: I will not accept any answers to that question. It will not compute.)

126 Tony Hawk )
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