dem's some haggard ass icons

by emam and alexi!

10/13/09 03:30 am - [info]24601 - Steve-O

148 Steve-O )

10/13/09 03:30 am - [info]24601 - Steve-O

100 Steve-O )

10/13/09 03:21 am - [info]24601 - Steve-O

Ahhh it took me way too long to get to the rest of my caps from Steve-O: Demise & Rise. So long that I think everyone's forgotten about it by now, but I have so many more DVDs sitting around here with him in it that I want to cap, and even more on the way, so I needed to get this done. No, seriously, I was going to list everything I have (including my Jackass Lost Tapes on its way, yay!), but the list was too long, and I have a problem. If there's a Jackass in it, it will be bought, capped and iconned ASAP.

100 Steve-O )

7/24/09 10:29 pm - [info]24601 - Steve-O

105 Steve-O )

7/24/09 10:29 pm - [info]24601 - Steve-O

100 Steve-O )

7/24/09 10:27 pm - [info]24601 - Steve-O

WELCOME TO THE FUTURE. More still to come.

WARNING: Heavy drug use in these icons. They're all capped from Steve-O: Demise and Rise.

100 Steve-O )

7/24/09 01:19 am - [info]24601 - Steve-O

Some from Steve-O: Demise and Rise are coming up, just not now. IN THE FUTURE. AT SOME POINT. IN A GALAXY FAR FAR AWAY.

122 Steve-0 )

4/13/09 03:28 am - [info]24601 - Steve-O (DWTS caps)

128 Steve-O )

4/13/09 03:26 am - [info]24601 - Steve-O (DWTS caps)

Oh, sober Steve-O, I think I like you most of all.

100 Steve-O )

8/19/08 06:02 am - [info]24601 - Steve-O

56 Steve-O )

8/19/08 05:58 am - [info]24601 - Steve-O

100 Steve-O )

8/19/08 05:55 am - [info]24601 - Steve-O

100 Steve-O )

8/19/08 05:52 am - [info]24601 - Steve-O

I really didn't mean to make this many icons when I googled Steve-O for something to use IC. But I have a problem I refuse to seek help for.

100 Steve-O )

7/12/08 04:47 am - [info]24601 - Steve-O

Okay, I think that wraps up everything I had already capped featuring Steve-O. This kind of turned out to be twice as big as I'd thought it might be. Oh well.

104 Steve-O )

7/12/08 04:32 am - [info]24601 - Steve-O

100 Steve-O )

7/12/08 03:37 am - [info]24601 - Steve-O

100 Steve-O )

7/12/08 03:00 am - [info]24601 - Steve-O

For the record, Steve-O is probably one of my favorite people to PB. Not only is he extremely expressive, which makes iconning interviews awesome, but there's something about his face that seems to exaggerate his expressions. And it makes me want to go rotate my Steve-O PB's icons.

100 Steve-O )

6/1/08 06:37 pm - [info]24601 - Steve-O

I forgot I had more Steve-O icons until I went to go upload something else into that album. I must have made these months ago, too, since they're all from Wildboyz caps and I haven't touched those in a while. Whoops.

149 Steve-O )

12/24/07 05:50 pm - [info]24601 - Steve-O

Steve-O was just BEGGING to be iconned in the interviews for the Making of Jackass 2. The man is just so damn expressive, he mimes everything out, and the cameraman suddenly knew how to film and zoomed in on him enough to get those perfect faces. Seriously, Steve-O is one of those guys where, if anyone but me ever PBs him, you need just about every icon slot you can get because, oddly enough, as you'd expect him to have the same "LMAO THAT'S HILARIOUS" face all the time, he's got a face for every occasion. Maybe not in this set, but overall.

More can be found here.

98 Steve-O )
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